From Where I Sit

Whit's wiping down the counter, Connie's mopping the floor, and the kids are sipping on their milkshakes. If you want to talk about Adventures in Odyssey the radio drama, this is the spot to do just that!
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From Where I Sit

Post by Nathan Hoobler »

From Where I Sit

I was going to title this message “From Where We Sit,” but then I realized that people might think that I spoke for everyone on the Odyssey team. I don’t. But I thought that I would be good to do a message addressing some of the questions/discussion that have come up over the past month or so. So here we go…

The Build-Up to “Something Big”
Some have asked why we had a build-up to the April 2 “Eugene Returns” episode. Wouldn’t it have been better with no promotion at all? Well, no, at least in my opinion. We certainly didn’t want to give away the secret that Eugene was returning or telegraph what the episode was “really” going to be about. We had to be ultra-careful to make sure the secret didn’t get out. As other people may tell you on the board, there were a few glitches where the secret nearly got out, but we tried to cover them as quickly as we could.

But we did want to promote the show somehow. Why?

If we didn’t promote the date, a lot of fans would have missed the show. A lot of our fans listen religiously every week, but a lot of them don’t. The fans who didn’t listen would probably have the surprise spoiled by reading message boards, hearing about the product, or talking to a friend. There’s nothing worse than someone else telling you the twist of a movie before you see it. So, by promoting April 2, we made sure that as many people as possible were listening.

It’s up to others to judge whether the whole effort was successful or not, but seeing the discussion on these boards, it certainly got people talking…which was the whole point.

Reason for the “Clues”
Others have wondered why the clues didn’t help you figure out what the episode was going to be about. Even after eight clues, you still didn’t know what was going to happen in the show. Maybe the word “clue” led to the confusion, but I’d like to point out that they weren’t called “hints.” The clues were not supposed to help you figure out the plot of the episode. Instead, they were supposed to be intriguing and mysterious and get you to listen on April 2, just like a good movie trailer. They started out very vaguely (Connie with a hand over the shoulder) and eventually revealed more of the tone of the show (like the 60 second spot), if not the plot. If they raised expectations too high, that’s the fault of the show, not the promotion. Then again, I can’t think of any event in the last five years that’s bigger than Eugene coming back.

The clues were also supposed to make sense after you heard the show. As far as I know, the only one that didn’t make sense from the episode itself was the sentence about Whit missing his grandchildren in Clue 7. I’ll admit that this didn’t figure into the episode at all. (It actually did in a previous draft.) It was something of a red herring. But, it’s also not impossible that Whit did mention this “off screen” and it led to suspicion by the kids.

Reason for “New Style” of Artwork
It seems that pretty much everyone has assumed that change to a “new style” of Odyssey artwork was designed to make the brand appeal to younger kids. In actuality, it was nothing of the sort. I was around at the time that we were looking at changing the style in the summer of 2000 and I know at least some of the discussions that went on.

The main point of going with a new style was to make Odyssey look “distinct.” We wanted to make it so that Odyssey stood out on the shelf and when people saw the look they would immediately think “Oh, that’s Odyssey.” We looked a BUNCH of examples before finally deciding on Gary Locke. The problem with the previous style (like albums 31-34 and many of the previous ones) is that it was fairly…mild. There was nothing that separated it from the style of artwork for many other family products on the market. Again, I’ll leave it up to others to decide whether the transition was successful.

Then again, aside from a couple of albums like “Darkness Before Dawn,” when has anyone really been happy with the Odyssey artwork anyway? Should we mention Whit’s leering grin on 14, Tom’s plastic face on 15, demonic Tom on 16, the “Bedrock” cover of 17, the confusing covers of 24 and 26, or the giraffes in the church on 29? Is it because the artists are awful? Not at all! Odyssey has worked with some terrific artists, but the problem lies in the format itself. Odyssey is a radio drama and it’s simply not possible to draw what everybody has in their heads. Most of us have agreed that the video characters don’t look like what we have in our heads. So what should the artwork look like? As soon as you start drawing characters, you’ve differed from what probably 95% of the audience imagined the characters to be. Simply put, drawing radio characters is a losing battle. But we do the best we can.

Reason for “new” Katrina
This is a much-discussed topic and understandably so. It’s strange to hear a beloved character with a new voice, even a voice as incredibly talented as Audrey Wasilewski’s. I can’t get into all the specifics of what happened, but I want to assure everyone that it has nothing to do with money, contracts, or anything like that. We wanted Pam Hayden back and Pam wanted to come back, but an on-going circumstance prevented it from happening. Trust me, we thought of all the options of recording her, including doing it “wild,” but it didn’t work out. So, Audrey will be Katrina for the foreseeable future. I’d encourage you to listen to a few more episodes with her before you pass judgment. Just because one actress had incredible chemistry doesn’t mean another one can’t. Don’t forget that that we had Mrs. Barclay Number 3 for the episodes between “Our Best Vacation Ever” and “Modesty is the Best Policy” and Mrs. Barclay Number 4 took over for all the shows after “Treasures of the Heart.” I don’t know that I’ve ever heard anyone complain about the switch.

See what you think after the wedding episodes.

Reason for all the Eugene Stuff
There’s been a lot of discussion and debate about all the Eugene products coming out in the coming months. Of all the topics here, I have to admit that I’m a bit mystified by this one. Eugene has been gone for nearly five years on the show, more than twice as long as Whit. He’s a much-loved character (and my favorite character, by the way). Why not celebrate his return? Why not get excited about a fun and joyful event? This is good news! We had an album of searching for Whit and then an album of his jubilant welcome back to Odyssey. Why not one album celebrating Eugene’s return in the best way we can?

As for the Eugene Sings albums, they were an idea of Will Ryan’s. Focus agreed that it was a good idea and so Will put together the albums. Wait until you hear them. They’re terrific! If you never hear Eugene sing a gospel song with an organ and full choir, you’ve missed out!

A Final Thought
I did have one final thought, but I’m not entirely sure how to phrase it without coming off “bitter” sounding. But I’ll try anyway. I’m not bitter and I love the Odyssey message boards. They’re our lifeline! But I have noticed the beginnings of a gradually growing cynicism and sarcasm. Let me explain.

Almost all message boards for television shows follow the same path. The board starts out as a place for fans to gather and discuss the show together for fun. Then, as the fans become more sophisticated in their writings, the board becomes a place to whine and gripe and pick shows apart. It’s far easier academically to watch a show trying to find goofs and things you don’t like. It’s far harder to simply say, “You know what, I really liked it.” Episode reviews on fan sites can often turn into a feeding frenzy, especially if the first few reviews are negative. Readers may check on to the board thinking how much they liked the program. Then, after reading a few reviews, they say, “You know, she’s right, that was a mistake,” or “Yeah, I didn’t like that character either,” or “Yes, like he said, I wish the moral came through better, too.” So, instead of posting a positive review, the listener agrees with all the previously posted comments. From personal experience with message boards before I started working on the show, I certainly began to recognize how much fun it was to write a sarcastic review instead of a loving one.

Now, I’m not saying that any of the wonderful fans on these message boards are falling into this trap. It’s just something that I’ve noticed in other message boards that I hope won’t happen here. You guys are such great devoted fans. You keep us in line. We want to hear what you truly and honestly think. Don’t sugar-coat it. Just watch for creeping sarcasm.

Thanks again for all of your support of the show. We couldn’t do it without you.

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Post by Eugene Blackgaard »

Great to hear from you Nathan! We love you Mr. Hoobler! :)
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Post by Jonathan »

Thanks for the insights. You answered more questions then I thought I had.

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Post by Me »

Nathan Hoobler wrote:Then again, I can’t think of any event in the last five years that’s bigger than Eugene coming back.
I totally agree. It's what I've been hoping to hear for the entire time, and on April 2, it finally did. I liked the eps, but even if I hadn't, they would have brought Eugene back, and that was what mattered.

As for the Eugene products, I have been wanting something along these lines for a long time.

It certainly is good to hear the real story behind "new Katrina," the artwork, etc.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the fan community Nathan.
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Post by Bennett »

Me wrote: I totally agree. It's what I've been hoping to hear for the entire time, and on April 2, it finally did. I liked the eps, but even if I hadn't, they would have brought Eugene back, and that was what mattered.

As for the Eugene products, I have been wanting something along these lines for a long time.

It certainly is good to hear the real story behind "new Katrina," the artwork, etc.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the fan community Nathan.
I couldn't have said it better myself.

Seriously, thank-you Mr. Hoobler.

BC O:)
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Post by David O »

Thanks for writing to us Nathan! You have reaffirmed my belief that you are truly the man. You have also cleared up some things in my head, and helped to encourage me. I hope to see more of you around this fair Town of Odyssey in the future. Otherwise, keep up the good work! (I still brag to my friends that "I'm on the inside with Odyssey because I know Nathan Hoobler, one of AiO's most loved writers". They aren't quite as impressed as they were back in 9th grade.)

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Post by Catspaw »

Thanks so much, Mr. Hoobler! I appreciate the time that you put into helping out us, the fans. It's good to have another perspective on some of the issues. I guess I'll have to stop complaining about Audrey Wasilewski’s voice for at least a few weeks. ;)

Post by Chandler »

Thanks for that post Nathan! :D It really helps hearing an “insider’s perspective.”

The Build-Up to “Something Big”
I had kind of assumed that AIO had the promotion because they needed more people to listen to the shows. :oops: That’s a great point about getting people to listen to the show so they didn’t hear spoilers. We certainly were busy talking about it too. :)

Reason for the “Clues”
Whit’s grandchildren were originally going to figure into the show? How?

Reason for “New Style” of Artwork
Now this is something that I wouldn’t have ever guessed - the artwork needs to be unique-looking for marketing purposes. :lol: I agree that most people aren’t thrilled over any of the album covers so the current ones aren’t really worth complaining over. However people aren’t just complaining that the characters don’t look like they imagined. They are also complaining about the distorted figures and innacuracies when compared with the shows. The latter is hardly confined to AIO though. I’ve read many books where the picture on the cover or illustrations inside didn’t match the story correctly. Oh well.

Reason for “new” Katrina
I’m really disappointed in the new Katrina. :( Audrey can’t be blamed that she sounds so different to me but I’m still unhappy with it. If it’s ever possible to bring Pam Hayden back please do. I don’t mind Audrey stepping in for a few shows if that’s what it takes to tide over Pam’s absence, same as Matt Hurwitz doing Rodney for one show. What worries me is the thought that Audrey might be Katrina for good. :|

It’s not just the fact that the voice changed either. Other voices have been successfully changed- like Aubrey’s or Marvin’s- without much of a complaint. It’s the direction the voice went in. I don’t want to disparage the actresses voice too much so I’ll only say that she reminds me of the nurse heard in “The Day Ambrosia Stood Still.” I can think of a few reasons that people wouldn’t complain so much about the change with Mary Barclay. (1) That was before the heyday of message boards online; (2) She’s not as major a character as Katrina; (3) people may very well have liked the new voice better. My mom has expressed this feeling to me more than once. Those same things may very well apply to Aubrey and Marvin as well although with Aubrey there’s the added factor that her first actress only appeared in three shows before being replaced with a rather different-sounding voice. I suppose if Pam Hayden had died we’d be resigned to this new Katrina much like we are to the new Whit. Since she hasn’t it’s frustrating to know she was that close yet didn’t make it. Oh, and Audrey sounds older to me.

Reason for all the Eugene Stuff
I like the fact that you’re doing the Eugene promotions. Considering so many fans have called him their favorite charaacter and pushed for his return incessantly it only seems right to make this big of a deal when he returns. :) I wasn’t planning to get the Eugene Sings album but now you have me intrigued.

A Final Thought
Thank you so much for writing this. I’ve been trying to keep a mostly posiitive outlook since I came here as a devoted AIO fan. You’re right... it can be hard to stay positive when other people are so negative about things. I never had any problem with Lucy. Then I found out on here that a lot of people don’t like her very much. That makes me want to take a step back and say, “What did I miss?” instead of, “I think she’s a great character.” The same goes for “Blackgaard’s Revenge.” I had no idea the show was so hated until I found people’s opinions on the internet. I don’t mind them pointing out inconsistencies with previous shows but the overall dislike for the show surprised me and made me rethink my opinion. I’m not trying to place all the blame on other people! I have my own sarcastic and biting moments as well. Your message is a timely reminder to me. :)

Thanks again for the wonderful job you do writing for my favorite radio show. :)
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Post by Samwise »


You're right! Writing something sarcastic or negative is much more easier writing than a positive one, and as you said, we start to write more "sophisticatedly" and start criticizing. I sure need to write more positive reviews. #-o :-&
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Post by Evil Chick »

That's also something I noticed when I first joined the TH. I was very excited about almost every Odyssey episode I had ever heard, and all of the sudden I realized that there were a lot of people out there who were very unhappy with a lot of things on Odyssey. But, I have tended to stay the same, with a few excpetions. There have been a few eps that I've had problems with, but the majority are still totally awesome. I've never given any ep under 3 stars.

And, I am also really excited about all of the Eugene products, and I can't wait till they come out!!

PS: Oh yeah, just in case Nathan reads this, and wonders, I am happysmiler on the TH.
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Post by AIOfan11 »

Nathan Hoobler wrote: Reason for all the Eugene Stuff
There’s been a lot of discussion and debate about all the Eugene products coming out in the coming months. Of all the topics here, I have to admit that I’m a bit mystified by this one. Eugene has been gone for nearly five years on the show, more than twice as long as Whit. He’s a much-loved character (and my favorite character, by the way). Why not celebrate his return? Why not get excited about a fun and joyful event? This is good news! We had an album of searching for Whit and then an album of his jubilant welcome back to Odyssey. Why not one album celebrating Eugene’s return in the best way we can?

As for the Eugene Sings albums, they were an idea of Will Ryan’s. Focus agreed that it was a good idea and so Will put together the albums. Wait until you hear them. They’re terrific! If you never hear Eugene sing a gospel song with an organ and full choir, you’ve missed out!
There was a link posted to some off site where you could listen to two of the songs on Eugene Sings. (I think one was "Moonlight a Tuba, and You") I'm going to admit I was a little bit disappointed but, now I am going to put away those thoughts because that is exactly what teasers do.

I am very excited about Eugene Sings because I have about 5 Christian music CD's. But I am to lazy to change the music once I put it in the CD player, know I can listen to AIO and music! I can't wait!
Almost all message boards for television shows follow the same path. The board starts out as a place for fans to gather and discuss the show together for fun. Then, as the fans become more sophisticated in their writings, the board becomes a place to whine and gripe and pick shows apart. It’s far easier academically to watch a show trying to find goofs and things you don’t like. It’s far harder to simply say, “You know what, I really liked it.” Episode reviews on fan sites can often turn into a feeding frenzy, especially if the first few reviews are negative. Readers may check on to the board thinking how much they liked the program. Then, after reading a few reviews, they say, “You know, she’s right, that was a mistake,” or “Yeah, I didn’t like that character either,” or “Yes, like he said, I wish the moral came through better, too.” So, instead of posting a positive review, the listener agrees with all the previously posted comments. From personal experience with message boards before I started working on the show, I certainly began to recognize how much fun it was to write a sarcastic review instead of a loving one.
Ooh, that is definitely something to think about. Thanks Mr. Hoobler. It is good to have your imput.
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Post by Carrie Ingalls »

I'm very glad to have all those things out in the open. I now understand the reasoning behind many things I had questions about. Thanks for clearing things up!

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Post by Sarah »

Yes, thank you for your answers and all that good stuff, Mr. Hoobler.

I can't wait to hear all of these new episodes. *still hasn't gotten around to buying them*

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Post by Frank »

Thank you for your thoughts, Nathan...I must admit that I was very opinionated with some of the things that AIO put into the last few shows...and have been far too critical. I apologize and am making revisions now.

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Post by Me »

AIOfan11 wrote: There was a link posted to some off site where you could listen to two of the songs on Eugene Sings. (I think one was "Moonlight a Tuba, and You") I'm going to admit I was a little bit disappointed but, now I am going to put away those thoughts because that is exactly what teasers do.
Weren't these songs from an old recording, for an entirely different project? If so, I am sure that the new stuff will be slightly different, and better recorded.
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Post by AIOfan11 »

Me wrote:
AIOfan11 wrote: There was a link posted to some off site where you could listen to two of the songs on Eugene Sings. (I think one was "Moonlight a Tuba, and You") I'm going to admit I was a little bit disappointed but, now I am going to put away those thoughts because that is exactly what teasers do.
Weren't these songs from an old recording, for an entirely different project? If so, I am sure that the new stuff will be slightly different, and better recorded.
I hope so.
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Post by Bmuntz »

Thank you Nathan for sharing with us. It's great to part of the online community of AIO and its a great palce but you are correct that they make you more negative on shows.

I love all the new Eugene stuff and think this was truly great that they are pushing this so much. I can't wait until Eugene and Jason get to do eps together again. I just hope the Washington’s aren't in any eps this season. It's not that I dislike them but they never met Eugene and would take away the feeling of how it was in the old days. The old days are gone but the last few eps have the same feel as they did during sets 21-26.This season has really impressed me and is far better then last season. Keep up the good work and good job on Two Friends and a Truck!
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Post by Daniel »

I know there were quite a few people who did know the Eugene was coming back. I'm not sure that it really ruined the excitement. I was still very eager to hear the episode, and know how and why he came back.

I think the "Something Big" was really good, the clues were fine, and most of them make perfect sense when seeing the cover art and hearing the episode. I wasn't at all upset by how it turned out. I think if there were ever a time for "something big" to happen, this is it, and it really held my interest.

I found the new Katrina very different at first, but after a little while it seems fine. I like the new voice.
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Post by Jonathan »

I've been putting this off (simply b/c it takes a while for reality checks to sink in), but I owe the Odyssey team an apology. Over the last two months or so I have been overly critical, and will work on changing that.

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Post by gimp80995 »

Jonathan wrote:Thanks for the insights. You answered more questions then I thought I had.

Ditto. Reading that made me think "Oh.......yeah.....about that...." type questions that I didn't have before reading that.

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