Win Another $1000

Deadline is Nov 25. 2005

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Win Another $1000

Post by Fenix »

Same rules. First, Second and Third Prizes.

Submit whatever it is u want to submit. Have Fun

Post by Wooton »

Man, you must have a ton of money to waste! *goes off to post items*

Thanks, anyway! ;)
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Post by Neosha »

so what do you have to do
and Happness

Post by Wooton »

Here are some:

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Post by Evil Chick »


A llama! :D
May Zarkouni Live Forever! :goomba:
Well, Washington has been gratuitously compensated like forever by the credit companies.
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Post by Kenric »

Hmmm. I'll post a little later. Right now, I have to do some remodeling of my avatar and sig as well as completing a backlog..
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Post by Mr.Whit »

heres an entry


A friend is someone who helps you and gives you good advice,

A friend is someone who helps you without a cost or price.

A friend never hurts you or is mean or shouts,

A friend never kicks you and a friend never pouts.

A friend sticks by you when nobody else does,

And when you ask him why, he says “Just because”.

When you are with your friends, look to see who’s true,

And if you are one of them, I will be a friend with you.

© mr.whit
July 2003
like it

Post by Wooton »

=D> Wow! That's great, Mr. Whit! That is so true! =D>
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Post by Mr.Whit »

thanks woot
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Post by J-man »

I'd like to enter this pixture I did in The Gimp..

...I hate marquees.
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Post by Zeba »

Here are some pictures found online.




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Post by Arwen »

Nice. I'll try to find some stuff to post later.
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Post by Rachael Blackgaard »

Tapestry of Life

As I sojourn this tapestry,
I cross so many hues.
Some threads are crimson as could be,
Some such a dark shade' blue.

And though sometimes the weave is rough,
Still I must journey on.
The darkest shade of grey, I find,
Comes just before the golden dawn.

Copyright Rachael Blackgaard 2003
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Post by Kat »

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Post by DanP740 »

Poem Sample
This is a look
At what I book
In my inventory list
And if there's something I missed,
You don't have to pay
until next May.




StrongNChrist 1991-2011
Use the chatroom! It's been active for a year, and most of you are missing it.
"Every time I start banging rocks together to make a beat, I feel all guilty and I need to repent for my sinful ways. :(" - Jelly
"I actually want to see this happen... the controversy would be legendary. :o" - American Eagle
":hilarious: This ladies and gentlemen is the founding of: 'The Awkward Club!'" - Steve
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I wasn't yelling. I was talking with vehemence.
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Post by Arwen »

My Steven Curtis Chapman collage \:D/ :

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Post by Kat »


if you cant tell, thats bamboo
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Post by Mr.Whit »

Autism Awareness
April, in many states, has been declared Autism Awareness Month. Here in the UK, The NAS has declared the week of May 11th Autism Awareness Week.

So what, you say, I don't know anyone with autism. Maybe not, but I do. And he belongs to me.

My son is autistic. Many of you know my son. He doesn't look autistic, you say. Think of it this way. You may know someone right now who is pregnant. She might only be a month or two along and not showing much, does that make her any less pregnant? You may know someone who is diabetic, but from all outward appearances it goes undetected, yet sugar to him or her would be lethal. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.

To most of us, autism conjures up images of Dustin Hoffman in the movie "Rain Man", or maybe a child who just sits and rocks back and forth lacking speech and communication skills. Autism is what doctors call a spectrum disorder, meaning there are varying degrees. Some might be affected severely, others more mildly. His diagnosis is called Asperger's Syndrome, one of many autistic spectrum disorders. Although mild, he still has autism. You just can't see it. Or maybe you can.

Autism is a neurological disorder, so it affects the central nervous system. It affects how an autistic person takes in their surroundings, processes information and sensory stimuli, responds to life. To us, it is not a problem to go to the store - the lights, sounds, smells, movement and everything else do not really bother us. To us, it is not a problem to go to church - the volume or tempo of the music, the temperature of the building, is easily adjusted to. Imagine the feeling when someone runs his or her fingernails on the chalkboard. My child can get those same sensations from overhead lights, the wrong temperature, crowds or noise or any other number of stimuli that you and I never give a second thought. I plan my outings around my child and how it will affect him on that particular day.

With a combination of heredity and other factors, my child from early days has been autistic and he always will be.

There are therapies, programmes, and activities that with diligent routine will help him to function in his life, but his autism will never go away. He will learn best at home in an environment that shows patience, love, and understanding for his needs and abilities. In this environment he will flourish. My son is not the way he is because he is homeschooled; he is homeschooled because of the way he is.

My son has changed my life. I have grown. I have added hundreds of new words to my vocabulary. I have introduced a new diet to our family that the mere thought of two years ago would've scared me to death. I look at every child in a different light now. No, I don't evaluate and self-diagnose each one; I see them as individuals with unique personalities and unique combinations of characteristics. I know there is much more to their story.

Yes, my son has changed my life. He has added joy, laughter, and blessings too many to count. It certainly hasn't been easy, but blessings and growth don't come through the easy life. And I think that if you ever met my child, he would change your life, too.

He is one in a million and I wouldn't trade this life for anything.

I Am Your Missionary
I am your missionary
But I am a woman just like any other
With similar cares, frustrations, joys, blessings, and concerns
Please understand me.

I am your missionary
But I am no more spiritual than you are.
I, too, struggle daily to find that quiet time and place with God
Please understand.

I am a missionary wife
But the marital relationship is bombarded with pressures by the ministry,
Lack of true girl friends who understand,
Being in the minority as a Christian married couple with children.
Please understand me and help.

I am a mother
Homeschooling and raising my children in a culture different to my own,
On my own,
Struggling to undo the negative of this culture in them,
This culture which is now their home
Accents different to ours, and yours
Please understand them and be sensitive

I am a mother with a special needs child
Dealing with issues that most parents pass after toddler age
Desperately keeping balance between my priorities of family and ministry
Doing it all without nearby parents to call upon
Please understand me and offer encouragement and hope.

I am your missionary on furlough
But my children are not adapted to your way of life
Nor to your church service style
Don’t expect them to slot in
Please understand them while not being judgemental.

Tear-Stained Top
My tear-stained top
Reminds me all day
Small hands clung to mine
Hearts pulled away.

A quick glance down
A vision of tears
My tear-stained top
Reveals your years.

Baby, my baby, please don’t cry
If I had wings, I’d take you and fly
To a land far away,
completely unknown
With sun and warm breezes
for us alone.

My tear-stained top
From wet, innocent eyes
Reflects my heart’s pain
As, too, it cries.

My tear-stained top
Is what’s left of the morn
A reminder to keep
A memory worn.
No Truer Friends
No truer friends
Could there be found
Than brother and sister
By love bound.

Always together
They know no other
This unique love
Of sister and brother.

May no one part
The bond they share
This close-knit thread
That God put there.
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Post by H34TH4R »

heres my fav poem
its called:
First Time

I pray I can get through this first time--
This first time is what today's for.
As a child I was burdened with first times
But it seems like this year there are more.

I pray for my faith to be certain
That i will apear brave and strong;
Though my stomachs in knots and i'm frightened,
I will trust that this day wont go wrong.

I pray i can handle this first time
so that it becomes the first step
To a better and stronger tomorrow
and the fears of today i'll forget.

-uk skater
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Post by Jonathan »

Sweet, another one! I'll get my Pearl Harbor pic up in about a week.
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