Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix

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Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix

Post by Pianoman »

Has anyone seen the new TV show adaptation of Lemony Snicket's delightful and dreary books? I was excited and really worried about this show, but it turned out- alright. I both loved and hated the casting at the same time. Especially NPH, he's really good, but he's also really hard to hate, which is not what you want for Count Olaf. I was a bit discouraged how closely they followed the books, but in a way that's good too. There were so may references that only avid fans would get, so I worry about newcomers to the show getting lost. I did enjoy them though, and looking forward to season two. (The twins!)
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Post by Catspaw »

Jan. 23: I have never read the books or seen this show, but I've always thought that the books sounded really interesting! I want to read at least the first book before I watch the Netflix show, but haven't gotten around to it yet. One of these days... ;) It's great to hear that big fan of the series enjoyed the show, even if it wasn't quite what you were hoping for.

EDIT/BUMP: I finally got around to watching the show, and I really enjoyed it a lot! I still haven't read the books, but I plan to now. :D It sounds like there are things that I would appreciate more if I had read the books, but I didn't feel like I was missing big chunks of info or anything like that. I enjoyed the quirky sense of humour and the gravity that somehow work together!

I thought the casting and acting was all very well done, and I especially loved Sunny the baby! She is so adorable! :inlove:

I did find myself quite surprised as I watched!
In episode 7 the revelation that the Father and Mother on their way to see their beloved children were not the Baudelaire parents was a big surprise to me, and also really disappointing. I really enjoyed the parts with Will Arnett and Cobie Smulders, and (besides the fact that I loved the Canadian casting) thought they were a highlight of the show and was looking forward to some kind of joyful reunion. I didn't think everything was going to be solved and perfect, but I did not anticipate that I had been following a red herring the whole show! I am very curious about what part they play in the big picture of things, but was really quite shocked by the way things turned out on the parental front. I like to be surprised sometimes, but this was such a disappointment to me, since I'm a happy endings kind of girl!
I'm looking forward to season two and by then I might have read all the books and will watch with a different perspective!
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Post by Pianoman »

I'm so glad you enjoyed it Catspaw. It's definitely a series that has to grow on you, but luckily the characters are pretty easy to love. And I'm excited for the next season as the books themselves got better after the first four. =)
My brother who has read the books actually missed the plot twist (those scenes don't technically appear as they did in the show, but it was possible to assume). But I had it figured out. =p
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Post by Catspaw »

I'm about three quarters of the way through the first book and really enjoying it (and seeing that the Netflix writers were clearly very careful with the source material, since things are very similar), so hearing that the later books are even better is good news! It will be fun to get to compare. I really appreciate it when great source material is honoured in the creation of a film.
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