Whovians, prepare to be blown away.

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Whovians, prepare to be blown away.

Post by Samantha14 »


Okay. Now that I've gotten your attention, I may present to you my latest and greatest deduction yet.

. . .

WARNING: What you are about to read is not for the weak or faint of heart.

Forget John Avery Whittaker, this is huge
Ms. Frizzle and Mary Poppins are Time Lords/Ladies.
Yes, yes. I know. Quite a shocker there. Or perhaps not. Either way, read the next spoiler to find out why I believe this.
Okay. In all honesty, the original thought of Ms. Frizzle being a Time Lord/Lady was not my own. (I'm sure I'm not the first for the Mary Poppins one either, but. still.) It actually came from a couple of randoms. The reasons they said so were simple:




Ms. Frizzle happens to look just like River Song. Coincidence? I think not.

Here are some more reasons for Ms. Frizzle being a Time Lord/Lady:

1. She's always traveling inside the Magic School Bus [TARDIS], which, while looks like any other ordinary school bus, is a whole lot more.

2. She always has Liz. [COMPANION {Even if not in the same way as the doctor. =p}]

3. "Wacky Clothes" [FEZES AND BOWTIES]

4. Laughs in the face of danger.

5. Wahooo! [CATCHPHRASE]

6. Magic School Bus is a sentient, shape shifting, shrinking, time travelling machine that's went to both the Jurassic Era and to space. Thrice. [TARDIS]

7. Unusual gadgets. [SONIC SCREW DRIVER]

I'm sure there are plenty of other reasons as to Frizzle being a
Time Lord/Lady, but we're going to be moving onto Mary Poppins now.


1. She's British. Hello.

2. Unusual outfit, including bowties, scarves, and her special hat. [FEZES AND BOWTIES]

3. Strange Creatures, such as dancing penguins or singing birds. [DALEKS/CREATURES/ALIENS]

4. She may not seem to have something to represent a TARDIS, but did you ever notice that she never flies In any other outfit than a particular dress? Aaand what color is that dress? Blue. TARDIS blue. Seems to me people underestimate the blue threads. :-

5. Her umbrella is a multitude of things. Not just as to do its assumed function. [SONIC SCREWDRIVER]

6. Has a purse that's bigger than it seems. [IT'S BIGGER ON THE INSIDE]

7. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [CATCHPHRASE]

Aaand I'm sure there are plenty more for her as well.

Both have their own style, complete with catchphrase. Both enjoy strange creatures, adventures, and taking "humans" on those adventures. Same as the doctors.

Mary Poppins and Ms. Frizzle are Time Lords/Ladies. And there's nothing you can do to change my mind.

Santa Claus is a Time Lord. Boom.
I'm not even a Whovian. I just like to be really dramatic. *hides*
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Post by Shennifer »

I've seen both of those characters compared to being Timelords, so it's not news to me.

But thanks for posting, Sam :)

and I think Mary Poppins is definitely a Timelady. Seeing as I've never watched the other, I can't offer an opinion

Till the end of the line.
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Post by Blitz »

Cannot be.... *Fall over*
Online family
Christian's nephew
Sammy's Bro and moderator between Sammy and Woody and her partner in randomnes
Woody's younger brother and best friend And married to Joy and forgot about it Dolls third cousin
Yes, since my sweetheart lives in the clouds
I must float on them. - Limerick

Blitz....do not flirt when you have a gf already!!!! Gahhhhhh..these tweens need to learn proper gentlemanly behaviour!!!
Blitz: I am a teen
* Black_Ghost buries the two peeps...err chicks...err dude and a chick
'Here lies blitz the dude, and IT the chick.
* IrishTiger is not being buried beside Blitz.
Doll knows everything about her sweet baboo
Check out my blog by order of the king.
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