What have we become?

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What have we become?

Post by Samantha14 »

Greetings ToOers.

Look, I'm going to cut this right down to the chase. I know I'm still newer, and I know most of you guys hardly know me. But I've been watching, as admin and as member, and I do not like what I see.

I know we've always had a few non-Christian members on this board. I won't call out names, but I think we all know a few of these people. I'm so glad that The ToO has the chance to host so many diverse members in both home and beliefs. It's always been a never forgotten experience to meet and "talk" to others of different views, different faiths, and different cultures. Whether that's good or bad, depends on the person. But I think we'd all agree that it was an experience that we would never change, one way or the other.

However, there's a difference here. A difference between discussion, and down right bullying. That's a difference many of our members have forgotten, and I am sick of it.

Call me a religious quack, call me a know it all, call me an ignorant teenage brat. I've heard all these and more. Your words cannot hurt me, but did you ever stop to think that they might hurt someone else? Yes, that's right. People come in all shapes and sizes, religions and perspectives, strong points of stubbornness and weak points of sensitivity. Are these bad things? Of course not. They are what make us unique. They should be what build us up, not tear us down.

But, no. It's not that way around here. Especially as of late, because of one petty difference or another, we fight and bicker and argue and belittle each other. If our board mate isn't like us, I guess that gives us the perfect opportunity to call them names and belittle them for whatever difference they hold, right? Wrong.

I've seen several members as of late coming back from a long break, saying they had "dumped their old fashioned views and turned to a 'new life style'". Normally, at least in this case, being not turning from unbeliever to follower of Christ, but the exact opposite!

Now, do I have anything against those who have chosen to forget or to just not believe (Or generally not believe) in God and faith? Of course not. Do I feel sad that they would? Seeing as I'm an active, more conservative Christian, of course I do. As a Christian, it does do me pain to see someone walk away, or never walk to/in/back. But do I hold it against them, ridiculing every little belief they now hold, or treating them as if they are no longer an equal, living, breathing, human being? Definitely not! Out of the question, in fact!

But, the same would go if I were an Atheist or the like. Would I, or should I, mock and belittle just because someone decides to live their life serving someone who I can't see or hear, or touch or know? At least, from my view point. I may think they are slightly off their rocker, as many Atheists do to Christians, and vice versa. But I would not, nor should I, come right out and cop them out for whatever they may believe. Alike or unalike, it's wrong.

Thanks to our current ways, two members are either going to leave, or thinking about leaving. One shall remain anonymous, one shall be named. The one that shall be named is our member/mod, Woody or Shakespeare. He wrote me earlier saying,
Shakespeare wrote:I'm just not sure I want to be part of a community that criticizes people for quoting the bible, and encourages the people who put the mark of the beast in their signature. You know?
Woody, being one of my best friends, caused me to really think about this. He's been a member for quite the time, as most of you are aware. And he's been in worse debates than this, I believe. But the difference is, before, it either fought out til someone won fairly, or just had to agree to disagree. It was never a total cop out for his religious views.

Yes, I know I'll get some backstab for that one. I don't care. Frankly, I don't understand how things such as disrespecting an admin, or calling people out for what they believe can be considered appropriate, or even wonderful. Disrespecting an admin, and disrespecting and belittling those who are more conservative and/or hold different beliefs than you. Where as quoting a verse from the Bible or holding views different than our own. I'm not just holding this against our non-religious members either. I know good and well that there are several Christians on here who do the very same thing to our non believers. We may not like what we see, but that does not give us, in any way, any rights to treat them so poorly.

The golden rule is Treat Others How We Would Want To Be Treated. That may be in the Bible, but it counts for everywhere. Especially online. It counts for Christians and non-Christians. Atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians... Whatever the case may be. You wouldn't want to see your views being copped out by someone who believes differently than you do. You wouldn't want to be constantly belittled for your choice in clothing or your hairstyle or whether or not you have tattoos. So, why do it to someone else?

The other member, who will remain anonymous, had this to say:
anonymous wrote:For awhile now, I have had concerns about the direction this board has been taking. Admittedly, the current situation with Iron and Light has precipitated this, but it is not the only or main reason for my concern. The ToO was started to be a message board centered around a Christian radio drama....but the board has become more and more dominated by users who take great pleasure and delight in ridiculing belief in God, Christianity, and heaping scorn on those who do. At one point, the only 2 active topics in Second Church (!) were atheists lengthily espousing why they had no use for the church. :anxious:
They purposely return here to play their little game of being as shocking and profane as they can get away with, to try to push all the "kiddies" buttons.
Honestly, if a new member joined and started posting lots of things like:
..or, you know, we could just not bother over-analyzing a piece of ancient text that was intended for a primitive tribe of legalistic Hebrews and isn't at all relevant to this conversation. ;)
I think perhaps something would be said. But because they are people like Jelly, Kait, I&L, JJJJ, and others who are well known old timers, this has been tiptoed around. Through the years, there have been other users, such as Guess Who, who had anti-Christian opinions, but she mostly kept it to debates in CCDS. This trend of atheist-users-who-formerly-claimed-to-be-Christians is different in that they are posting on many different topics, mockingly scoffing at other members and their opinions and beliefs. In a place that should be about building others up, having fun with fellow Odyssey fans, and sharing your thoughts, it's been more like having to constantly encounter belittlement.
What has been VERY saddening to me the past couple of days, is that after I&L's many sarcastic posts and her saying that she has walked away from God and is proud of it, that there are so many members cheering her on, saying they "like the new her", how "witty" she is, etc.
Is that really what this board has become?
That really hit me like a bucket of cold water. Seriously. Is this really what we have become? Do I just blame the no-longer-believer members? No. No I don't. But that has seriously been going on lately. She's right, honestly. We have tiptoed around our older members, Atheist or not. And I am well beyond sick of it. So, I'm here to put a stop to it.

It's this thing called courtesy, people. That's right. C-O-U-R-T-E-S-Y. You respect yourself, others respect you, you need to show some respect to them. Even if they don't respect you, you need to show respect to them. Not everyone is a by the book Christian, not everyone is a do what you feel best Nonbeliever, I know that. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be showing love and kindness throughout this board. Even if you don't believe it, or think it's right. You need to.

If you have something to say, do it in a thoughtful manner. Don't just snap at the slightest disagreement with all the hate you can muster, or belittlement or disregard you can possibly think of. If you have something to debate, please, that's what CCDS is for. Don't bring that kind of thing into the rest of the board. Don't try to push every limit or button ToO has set just for the fun of it. Because, believe it or not, we do have young kids on this board. This board was originally a Christian based, Christian started board for lovers of Adventures in Odyssey. Does that mean I want everyone who doesn't believe the same way I do to get out of here? Of course not. In fact, I've recently made friends with one of our boards atheists. I don't want anyone leaving. However, I do want people to start treating each other with respect.

We have rules, guys. Real rules, with real limits, that if you push or break them, there will be real consequences. And I'm not afraid to hand them out, either. There is a limit that people can get to, and it was broken a long time ago. No more. I mean it. No more. Respect, courtesy, love. Whether you're a Christian or not, this is still a board full of living, breathing, people who have feelings and beliefs just like we all do, and shall be treated accordingly.

Think before you post, guys. Think before you post.

That's all I have left to say right now. Go ahead and chew me out if you desire, or take no heed to my words. But I hope that at least something I've said will manage to change things at least a little. I'm sorry if I stepped on any toes. I didn't mean to, but sometimes you have to to get an important point across. I love you guys. I love ToO. We're like an insane family, and I don't want to change that. We may not always agree, but that doesn't change the facts. And as a family, we need to start treating each other like it. You can't pick your family, but you can love them just the way they are. Okay?
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Post by Anemone »

I love this. I've been very annoyed to see what has been going on around here as of late. I think this is exactly what needed to be said.
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Post by Doll »

If there was a like button, I'd push it.
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Post by Smaug the Dragon »

Yeah, I have to agree with what you posted Sam. While it's lovely to see old faces return, and I think it's great to have the variety and diversity of opinions and beliefs that we have on this board, things have gone a bit crazy lately. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, but ridiculing other people for what they believe is not just against the spirit of this board - it's generally seen as bullying and bigotry. Like, seriously, that sort of thing is just not on. :noway:

This isn't directed at any one person. This is basic stuff that everyone* should know. Everyone's got a right to believe what they want. No one has a right to bully, intimidate or otherwise try to 'fix' someone else's beliefs.

*Yeah, everyone. Meself included. The above is not an attempt to bully or intimidate others into being courteous. It's like... an appeal.
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Post by Catspaw »

There is a lot of wisdom in what Samantha has shared. The ToO will never be a place where we all agree exactly with each other, and it would be boring if we did, but respect for the opinions of others is the difference between a great community and a hurtful place where people feel belittled. People can hold whatever opinion they want, but those opinions need to be expressed with consideration for others. That needs to be happening. Nobody is perfect, but a regular pattern of behaviour tells a lot about whether somebody is trying to be a loving part of the community here or not.

I know that the "love chapter" is fairly well known, but it came to mind, and I think it says a lot about what our priority needs to be as we interact together, both in life in general and here on the ToO.
1 Corinthians 13

English Standard Version (ESV)
The Way of Love

13 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
This is the goal. This is why I sometimes re-read what I've written before I submit a post - so I can remove stuff that does not reflect this goal. I don't succeed perfectly, and I don't expect anybody else to be perfect either, but if we are all pursuing this common goal, we will be better people and a better community. It's good to have a reminder of that.
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Post by godisawesomeness99 »

when I read this post at first, I had no idea what you were talking about. But then I read some posts in another topic, and I knew exactly what you were talking about. I like the 2'nd to last paragraph best. That can be applied to everywhere :D well said sam :D
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Post by American Eagle »

The message of this topic is burning through my heart. >_> I've been a jerk for the past few days because I've been so worn out. I want to go crawl in a hole..

Sorry, guys. Compassionate and happy AE will be back in a few days.
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Post by Samantha14 »

Hey again, ToOers.

Look, again, I'll cut to the chase of things. I made a mistake when doing this topic. One that was rather fatal, so to speak. And I honestly did not mean to.

I made this topic by means of trying to work out the knots and patch up the holes that had been caused over the past few days. I was trying to get people to see that they way they were--everyone was--acting was downright disturbing. That's something I will not take back. But, what I will take back is the way I went about a few things. The posting of the quotes was something I now realize I shouldn't have done. Why? I was just being hypocritical and a downright bully myself. I wasn't trying to, and at the time, I thought that I was going about things the right way. It turns out I was just hurting more than healing. Something I feel terrible for.

To I&L, Kait, and others who might have been hurt, offended, or condemned by my posts... I just want you guys to know that I'm so sorry. Really, I am. I didn't mean for this topic to seem like it was condemning anyone, nor to seem like I was pointing fingers, even though that's how it turned out completely. It wasn't my intention in the least, and I apologize profusely for it. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you guys, please, just let me know.

Do I take back everything that I said? Actually, no. I still want everyone to get their act straightened up and act like the mature adults most of them are. I still want them to act like the Christians most of them are. And I still want them to act like the real, caring people I know they are, or at least should be. I still want people to treat everyone like people. Living, breathing, feeling holding people. Who may hold different views than us or not see eye to eye with us, but who walk the same earth and breath the same air we do.

Do I want the discussions to stop? Actually, now that I've had the chance to look at different view points, no I do not. I take back what I said about only CCDS being the suitable place for such things. I was wrong. However, I was not wrong about how it should be gone about. Civil discussions, with civil questions and civil answers. Not a lot to ask, not a lot to do. Everyone wins in this situation. If you can't agree with someone, agree to disagree. Don't hate on them for believing differently. That's something I won't take back.

I now realize that there are two sides to every story. This one included. And because I saw this as a threat to ToO, I jumped on it. Not only mostly in my anger and frustration did I write a lot of it, which was wrong. But I didn't stop to check all the facts like I should have. A criminal act for anyone, much less an admin. And again, I apologize.

I tried to edit the above post, but if you feel I left anything out, or in, just let me know. I'll be sure to redo things to make everyone happy and everyone win, without losing my main, intentional focus. If this felt like an attack, rather than constructive criticism like I had planned, please, just shoot me a message. Tell me how you feel, and don't be afraid to be totally honest with me. I'll be sure to apologize personally, and do whatever I must to make things right.

I'm sorry if you guys hate me now, heh. I never meant to truly hurt anybody. I promise. I'm only some crazy 14 year old kid, I still make mistakes. A lot of them. And sometimes it just takes a helping hand, or a hurting heart, to get me to see the more blurry ones in my vision, so to speak. So I appreciate you guys not giving up on me, and praying that one day I might get it right. :P Heh heh.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this. If you have any more complaints or feelings or concerns or anything at all, just message me. I'll make things right again, whatever went wrong.
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Post by EK »

Nobody hates you! :hug: I'm pretty sure we all know what your intention was with making this thread... it just may have been delivered in the wrong way. :) You have every right to express your feelings about a situation... and even to threaten punishment if the coarse actions don't stop. I think where you may have mis-stepped and had your point construed is where you starting getting very specific with examples and called people out by name. Regardless, I think the essence of your post is still important, "everyone be respectful and civil to each other" is the main takeaway from this thread. You did fine, Samantha. :)
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Post by snubs »

I think everyone's been sleeping on the wrong side of their beds. :(
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Post by EK »

Except EK. That guy's still awesome. :)

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Post by Catspaw »

EK: always awesome. \:D/

Thank you for showing maturity, Samantha. Everybody ends up with a few thoughts or posts that they wish they could take back, unfortunately. The important thing is to learn from our mistakes and move on with lives with more wisdom we had than when we started....easier said than done. ;) Like EK said, the reminder to be respectful is one that stood out, and we all need the reminder at times.
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Post by Marvin D. »

I'm gone for three days and I miss all the drama.

Thanks a lot, gaize :(
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Post by Samantha14 »

Sorry Joshie. Didn't mean to leave you out. I'm sure I could find a suitable punishment for you too. :(
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Post by Iron and Light »

I'm rather busy today, so this post will be brief.

I sincerely apologize to anyone I've offended. The signature numbers started off as a joke- I posted in my 'Greetings Aliens' thread that I wasn't 'the devil incarnate', and put the numbers in my signature in reference to that. After the first tiny numbers were removed, the troll had been fed and it became a personal game of mine to see how many different ways I could sneak the numbers into my signature and how long it would take administration to remove them. Not the most mature thing I've ever done, but cut me some slack- I don't get a lot of amusement in my life ;).

'Contradicting' administration concerning the pictures being removed... I won't apologize for that. There's nothing wrong with questioning what we hear. It's a natural thing to do. Just because an admin says something, doesn't make it right. I never attacked or called an admin out, and (unless things have changed on here and I haven't been made aware of it) there's nothing wrong with stating that you disagree with another member of the board, even if it is Catspaw ;).

As far as everything else goes, I don't apologize for what I've said, but I am largely sorry for how I've said it. My beliefs are my beliefs: everyone is entitled to believe differently in this country and to vocalize those same opinions seeing as how we have freedom of speech. However, I could definitely have been a little nicer. In 'real life', I'm a very sarcastic, blunt, tactless person with thick skin. I've been through a lot to make me who I am today: my story isn't the easiest to tell, and I don't really open up to anyone, but believe me I have very good reasons for my lack of faith and my bold attitude. Please don't judge me until you know me and hear a little of what I've been through. I would also like it noted that I never said I was PROUD of turning away from God. I'm proud of where I'm at in life because of everything I had to go through to get here- not my change of religion. Nothing anyone here said has offended me, and please don't think I was personally attacking any of you. I'll continue to post my opinions on this board, but I'll try to tone it down a little... I can't promise I'll lose all my sarcasm and straightforwardness.. but I'll try to step on less toes.

I also have a few people I need to respond to via PM. Your replies are on their way- I'm just busier than usual today and this whole upcoming week.

Again. I'm sorry, and I will change my tone on the board.
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Post by American Eagle »

A nice little picture that accurately demonstrates ToO arguments. ;)

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Post by Samantha14 »

Ahahaha. Priceless, AE. Priceless.
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Post by EK »

I demand a personal apology from everyone. This ordeal has cause me MUCH emotional duress. :x APOLOGIZE TO EK. NOW.
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Post by Kait »

I apologize if anyone took anything I said as a personal attack. It was never my intention.

...and for the record, I'm not an atheist. :anxious:
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Post by godisawesomeness99 »

haha nice one AE....
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