The Town of Odyssey Turns Ten!

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The Town of Odyssey Turns Ten!

Post by Catspaw »


I am pleased to announce that the ToO has officially turned ten! \:D/

It has been ten years since Shadowpaw started this amazing board! Every year it gets more unbelievable that the ToO has been around for so many years. One whole decade of posting is a huge milestone, with some members having been active through that entire time. Join me in celebrating ten amazing years of ToO-ification of the internet! They have all been filled with awesomeness. :yes: As Shadowpaw just posted (click here if you haven't seen it yet) not all things remain the same, and yet they still do in the ways that count. I still remember the excitement leading up to the opening of the ToO. I had no idea what was going to be revealed on April 1, 2005, but I knew that it was going to be great! I wanted to stay up late and see what would be revealed, but I was living in dorm at college at the time and it was a weekend where visitors could come check things out, and my sister and a friend were sleeping in my room, and I really couldn't justify staying up. Early the next morning I couldn't resist checking things out and of course I had to join right away, but a little piece of me still wishes that I had stayed up and got to be one of those very first few members to join. There are a ton of good memories (and a few others...) ;) associated with the ToO for me.

The statistics below prove that there are a lot of dedicated ToOers who love to post, even if we're not quite as busy as we were that first year! \:D/

Number of posts: 1011702
Posts per day: 277.03
Number of topics: 29269
Topics per day: 8.01
Number of users: 1321
Users per day: 0.36

Thanks to Dan for providing his traditional special anniversary surprise! I made a point not to look until the post was submitted so that it would be a fun surprised for me too! Click here to see the thread that contains all the images of the construction process. Don't let the smileys down after all their hard work - go take a look!


If you would like to read past anniversary threads, they are all archived in City Hall. You won't be able to post in them, but feel free to peruse past celebrations! Click the following links if you're interested: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
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Post by Whitty Whit »


*eats cakes*

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Post by Pengwin »

10 years is pretty cool! \:D/ I just wish I was here for more than 2 years of it. =p
:wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky: :wacky:
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Post by Tikvah »

Wow, a whole decade! That really does seem like forever.
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Post by Woody »

Hey, I was actually right for once!
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Post by snubs »

Good job, Woody. *pats*

10 years is pretty amazing... and even cooler that I've been here for 7 of those years. \:D/
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Post by Taq »

Happy decade, ToO! \:D/
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Post by LizzieG »

Wow, 10 years! Happy birthday, ToO! \:D/
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Post by Catspaw »

It made me really happy to see Taq and Lizzie's consecutive posts! \:D/

My little baby is all grown up! :sniff:
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Post by Musical Shutterbug »

Wow. Ten Years. Wow.

That's a pretty remarkable achievement. Here's to hopefully another decade of awesomeness in the future! \:D/
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Happy birthday, ToO! \:D/

There was an interactive display in the museum that started asking me inappropriate questions. :(
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Post by Shennifer »

LizzieG wrote:Wow, 10 years! Happy birthday, ToO! \:D/

I believe you got me to join this place. so thanks for that \:D/ it's been awesome

Till the end of the line.
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Post by The Kings Daughter »

Nice Museum, Dan!

I didn't realize the ToO was anywhere near ten years.
I didn't realize I had been here over half of the ten years.
Everything is so old, all of a sudden. o.O

Happy birthday, ToO! ^_^ Thanks for the memories.

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Post by Marvin D. »

Only ten years? I feel like it's been more since I've been here for more than five, right at the end of an era, right before the relaunch started, so I fell in the floating midbie stage and can fluctuate both ways \:D/

Congratulations, peeps.
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Post by Gaberk »

YAY! I guessed it.
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Post by ~JCGJ~ »

I still say we picket!!! :mrgreen:
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Post by Blitz »

I finally can log into this.
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Post by NatetheGreat »

Happy Birthday, ToO! Thanks for upgrading my social life back when I was a homeschooler. =) Still awesome as ever!
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Happy Tenth Birthday, ToO, a few days late! \:D/ Woot for old times!
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Post by shnoodlec »

The um... Few months (maybe it has been a year. I don't know) that I've been here have been great. :p But this is a an amazing and special forum. I really don't get on the forum or the chat very often but I have had amazing memories in both places.
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