The ToO Turns Eight!

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The ToO Turns Eight!

Post by Catspaw »


I am pleased to announce that the ToO has offically turned eight! \:D/

It's hard to believe that it has been so long since Shadowpaw started this amazing board! Every year it gets more unbelievable that the ToO has been around for even longer, and there are still "old" members who joined the first day and "new" members who will hopefully be amazed at the ninth and tenth and eleventh and... (well, you get the picture) ;) anniversaries!

The statistics below prove that there are a lot of dedicated ToOers who love to post! \:D/

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Thanks to Dan for providing a special anniversary surprise once again! Click here to see the thread that contains all the images of the construction process. Don't let the smileys down after all their hard work - go take a look! Dan's creativity shines once again this year!


(Click to see full picture)

I'm including Dan's description in the spoiler tag below. Try to figure it out for yourself first! \:D/
It's a sculpture. If you tilt your head to the left, it looks like an 8, standing for 8 years of the ToO, and if you tilt to the right, it looks like the symbol for infinity, standing for the ToO lasting forever.
And a lovely bonus - a close-up of the plaques!


(Click to see full picture)

If you would like to read past anniversary threads, they are all archived in City Hall. You won't be able to post in them, but feel free to peruse past celebrations! Click the following links if you're interested: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
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Knight Fisher
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Post by Knight Fisher »

Nice job Dan. \:D/

And happy birthday.
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Post by Shennifer »

Excellent work, Dan :D

and Happy Birthday, ToO \:D/

Till the end of the line.
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Post by Musical Shutterbug »

A fabulous job, as usual, Dan! :) I love the plaque.

Happy birthday to our lovely little place that we like to call home: The Town of Odyssey :inlove:
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Post by godisawesomeness99 »

Yay! Happy birthday too, even though I've only been here 2 months, it has been fun
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Post by Woody »

*wants to get his name on that plaque*

Happy Birthday, ToO, from an official member of the Birthday Committee! \:D/
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Post by snubs »

Happy Birthday ToO. =D> And nice job, Dan. =]

I'm so glad I found and joined this place. I've really enjoyed being able to be a part of this community. :yes:
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Post by The Kings Daughter »

Great job, Dan! We enjoy seeing it! :yes: Happy birthday, ToO! May the LORD bless another year with sweet friendships:)

SnC Forever. Miss you still.
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Post by DanP740 »

It sure doesn't seem like it's been around this long, or that I've been talking to some of you that long (or longer, from the chat), or that I've come up with 8 different giant presents. :-

I think, at 8 years old, the ToO can officially be called old. Especially in forum years.
StrongNChrist 1991-2011
Use the chatroom! It's been active for a year, and most of you are missing it.
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Post by jelly »

Truly, eight years by Internet standards is an incredible achievement. \:D/ Thanks for commemorating the anniversary, Dan!
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Post by Jonathan »

I wouldn't have gotten that without the description. Very cool. Did Dan make the plaques too?

And Happy Birthday ToO! Never thought about it lasting as long as it has.
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Post by darcie »

Happy birthday, ToO!
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Post by DanP740 »

Jonathan wrote:I wouldn't have gotten that without the description. Very cool. Did Dan make the plaques too?

And Happy Birthday ToO! Never thought about it lasting as long as it has.
Yes, I made the plaques too, and they almost took more time than the monument. I also only finished that picture at 10:30 on March 31st. :anxious: I'm thinking of making another plaque with the names of the moderators, which will be a ton of names.
StrongNChrist 1991-2011
Use the chatroom! It's been active for a year, and most of you are missing it.
"Every time I start banging rocks together to make a beat, I feel all guilty and I need to repent for my sinful ways. :(" - Jelly
"I actually want to see this happen... the controversy would be legendary. :o" - American Eagle
":hilarious: This ladies and gentlemen is the founding of: 'The Awkward Club!'" - Steve
"Happy birthday, big Mercy! \:D/ \:D/" - Whitty Whit
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Post by Woody »

How 'bout one with the Birthday Committee members? :p
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Post by Marvin D. »

Happy birthday, ToO \:D/
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