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My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 3:19 pm
by Shadowpaw
I have decided to address the purple elephant in the room. I have not listened to Adventures in Odyssey in 7 years, save for a brief moment where I listened to the Green Ring Conspiracy, though I don't really remember any of it so I might as well have not heard it!

I attended the live show in 2008, and while in Colorado, I marathoned "47: Into the Light", "48: Moment of Truth", "49: The Sky's the Limit", and "50: The Best Small Town" to get prepared. I have heard all of those episodes only once and do not remember most of them, yet growing up, I religiously (no pun intended) listened to the show. Unfortunately, as we grow up, it becomes harder and harder to find the time for some of the simple pleasures in life, and I don't think I'll ever find the time to listen to shows over and over again.

However, I promise that I will review every album released since Album 50 during the Legendary Term. I really don't know what to expect... and it might be interesting to hear the perspective of someone who once considered himself the world's biggest Odyssey fan, to someone who has been out of the game for as long as I have. I won't review the individual episodes (I just don't have the time for that!) but I will certainly write a fairly lengthy article upon completion of each album and share my thoughts, hoping to hear from all of you and whether you agree or disagree!

For those of you who may be in a similar "listening void" as I have been, I encourage you to join me!

My review of "Take it From the Top" will be posted some day next week!

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 3:49 pm
by Marvin D.
I remember reviewing Album 53 in length. Some of the reviews were 3,000 words.

I just re-read them yesterday. They were pretty bad.

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 3:54 pm
by TigerintheShadows
They were also written two years ago. I think you've improved since then. ;)

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 4:43 pm
by Marvin D.
I'd like to think I've improved.

If le Tiger says so, then it must be so.

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 12:54 pm
by The Old Judge
Wouldn't it be more like three, since the GRC debuted in the spring of 2011?

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 4:45 pm
by Marvin D.
Well, the more years I can put between my past self and my current self, the better.

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:19 am
by The Top Crusader
I think I'm in, not sure how far I'll get before I cancel my AOC membership, though. \:D/ I've heard maybe three episodes in the last few years.

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 1:32 pm
by H Tide
I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts post-hiatus! :D From what I remember, it was pretty rough listening to album 51 with all new characters and overall younger feel to the show, but it does get better from there on out.

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:28 am
by Jonathan
^Agreed. Wasn't wild about most of 51 (Jubilee was good though). Enjoyed albums 52-56, still not sure what to think of 57.

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:27 pm
by Marvin D.
I think Album 52 was the worst album since the relaunch--most of the episodes were just completely forgettable, in short.

I should totally do a review of the albums as I listen to them again.

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:40 am
by Peachey Keen
Good to hear from you, Shadowpaw! I can't wait to read your reviews.

Re: My Album Review Pledge

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:17 pm
by Shadowpaw
Sorry for the delay, should post it sometime this week. I spent all my free time at the office for the last week and only heard about half the album. So I still have to find the time for the other half! So far... it's been interesting. ;)