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723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:12 pm
by Peachey Keen
Will Jay learn his lesson? Will Jay learn his lesson? Yes, I meant to type that 2 times :-

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:33 pm
by Jason Whits Son
I really enjoyed this episode. It easily is one of my favorites in album 56. It takes the groundhog day angle and adapts it wonderfully to the ROC. The whole story line is absolutely well done.

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:46 pm
by Jesus' Princess
I liked it, it kept me more interested than some of the other episodes in album 56. It was fun to hear about the Room of Consequence again too. 4/5

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:56 pm
by King Herod
I loveddd this episode. Like JWS said- it was a highlight and favorite of mine from #56. I give it a five, not only because it was wonderful-but gosh! Jay is in it!

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:46 am
by Leonard Meltsner
I was reminded a lot of Hindsight with this one, with the idea of using the ROC to have someone relive something to see their mistake and correct it. I suppose technically it's closer to The Eternal Birthday, which was also, of course, an ROC episode. I really liked this one. My sister thinks it may be one of her favourite episodes of all time.

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:19 pm
by whittaker96
To me, I thought of it as a Hindsight meets Another Man's Shoes meets The Eternal Birthday episode. It was very intriguing and hilarious, plus jay's such a great antihero. And to think I used to think he was annoying! I'd love to see more Jay/Priscilla episodes, I thought they were a funny comedy duo (with Priscilla as the straight (wo)man). Why is it that so many episodes happen because of trickery? Wasn't it two albums ago when Katrina and Connie tricked Eugene to teach him about being nice? Whatever; this was pretty funny!

Definitely in the upper half of 56 eps.

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:37 pm
by Leonard Meltsner
Hmm... I hadn't thought of "Another Man's Shoes". So many inventions!

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:29 am
by Marvin D.
Okay, so before I start this, I just wanna say--why are all these inventions coming back in overkill? We've had Matthew's 2-episode adventure in the Imagination Station, Emily's really short adventure in the IS, and Barret's 3-part adventure in the Room of Coincedences--er, Consequences. Why? Everything comes in huge doses nowadays. First we get a bunch of new characters--and always the same ones, for the most part--and now a huge amount of some of Whit's inventions, which, for the most part, haven't been used on the air since Album 50. BUT WHY NOW?

Anyways. So we begin with Barrett and Priscilla--who sounds like a typical teenage girl who doesn't like talking a lot. Meh. As usual, Jay is my favorite character--quite possibly out of ALL the characters since the relaunch. "Tata, cheerio, and all that." Awesome.

So, Jay sets them off onto an adventure to goodness knows where (how does Priscilla know he's started it if she doesn't "do it"? Hmm?)--and they wind up outside of Whit's End. Not somewhere with King Arthur. Boo.

"Open Sesame!" Jay goes, quickly deciding that he doesn't wanna stick around. But why not try going to the RoC again? And take an adventure? And see what happens? In fact, if I were them, why not talk to Whit and tell them that this was an adventure that they were in?! Wouldn't it be cool?! Er. Harry With the Slightly Distracting Unibrow apparently knows Jay from somewhere, somehow, and is mad with him, so he takes him out to have a "discussion". .when everything resets. Whaa?

So Priscilla is a smartie and figures out that this is supposed to happen when everything repeats, and quickly figures out that Jay is actually supposed to be Barrett. But in comes Harry With the Slightly Distracting Unibrow. Again. Yay. QUICK YOU GUYS FIGURE IT OUT. And then. .the program resets. Again. Oh, joy.

Once again. They're at the start. Jay, who's getting annoyed, demands that Priscilla figure out the solution. Together, they try to put the pieces together. Harry is upset about something that Barrett called him about, so Jay runs as fast as he can. Connie doesn't spill the soda floats this time, so is that a sign? So Priscilla decides that something's happening at the moment they arrive, so they need to do something. .and it resets again. *sigh*

So now it's what, time #4? Jay vows to make sure that Harry With the Slightly Distracting Unibrow will RUE THE DAY! *loved the reference* So Priscilla says they should go out the front door as opposed to the back door. .and see Harry-bruzer. Why does Jay know bushes, though? He likes to sneak around? They listen to the conversation Harry has with his little brother, and so they follow the little kid for more clues. .involving presents =o So they follow the kid, and Jay is impressed that Priscilla has a secret side. .and they listen in on the conversation Mikey has with the store clerk. More info is gleaned about this. .stolen present *blinks* But what decision is Barrett supposed to make?

As they keep following Mikey, Jay suddenly decides to quit ("Every action has an opposite fraction," he says), and he runs from Harry the Barbarian. .into the bushes. Again. And they see Harry. .with Jay. WHAT? Mikey comes out, and the real Jay critiques the RoC Jay on his manly looks. But then we find out what the surprise is! It's a bike! And right here, I think I've figured out what Barrett wants to do. He wants to give Harry money to get a new bike for Mikey. Maybe? *is still listening* The real Jay gets ready to see RoC Jay get beaten. .not. The real Jay goes out and demands that Harry lets go of the RoC Jay--who the real Jay calls Mr. America--and grab him, the real one (but not too tight, mind you.) The real Jay tells Harry to threaten to pound him. .and they reset.

Thanks to Jay's smartness AND good looks, they're back in Whit's End. Jay takes the sodas from Connie, sets them down, and then tells Priscilla everything. He and Vance saw Mikey's bike, and Vance decides to take it. .well, Jay does. So why does Barrett take the adventure? And then Jay realizes! He tells Harry-bruzer/the Barbarian that the kid named Jay Smouse took it. .and that he's sorry. Again, really. JAY HAS A HEART. Between that little escapade with the old woman in Album. .54? And this? And his worrying over Uncle Wally? Jay's good.

And so the adventure comes to an end! At last! And Barrett tells Jay everything. .but really? This was the best way to go around it? Sneaking to make sure Jay does what's right? Blah.

Still, I'm glad we had an episode with Jay, although the point seemed kinda. .meh. Do the right thing. We have a lot of episodes about doing the right thing, but at least it was done in a more creative way. And so I give this episode a 7/10.

Au revoir,

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:12 pm
by Christian A.
You listened to the episode! *is happy*

Great review! Makes me nostalgic for your GRC reviews. :P

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:21 pm
by Marvin D.
You're welcome, Mr. Picky :noway:

I know, I went through and re-read all of them, and was surprised how harsh I was to Wooton and Emily. .

. .but I still agree with it all \:D/

Re: 723: Groundhog Jay

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:04 pm
by godisawesomeness99
dude this was really awesome. One of my favs ever! Jay is pretty funny. "Hi, how's your mom?"