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692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:46 pm
by Peachey Keen

So what are your thoughts about this Penny-central episode?

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:31 pm
by Josiah
I was really disappointed with this episode. I found it kinda boring and shallow.

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:57 am
by jennifertwt
I thought it was a good episode, but see now I need to go back and listen to the Green Ring consipiracy again if they are going to pick up where it left off in this album. I like the I Corinthians 13 tie in but really wish they had titled the episodes out of that chapter like ON Earth as it is in Heaven, and yes, I will mention that at every opportunity. ;-P

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:33 am
by Smaug the Dragon
Am I the only one who thought Penny was really drunk when the police 'arrested' her? She sounded very weird. The whole thing with 'opening the trunk'. I was like "Woah, that's kinda heavy for Odyssey..." :anxious:

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:42 pm
by Marvin D.
Copied from my blog:

Aaand even though I reviewed an episode yesterday, Ima do it again. *le sigh* It is my fault, though, I guess. . .

So we're in the post-GRC era, and Trask gets 20 years in prison, thanks largely in order to Penny, Connie, and Wooton (who only did it because he got locked up in a train, but got out anyways). I was disappointed we didn't get to hear anything from Trask, though. It feels good, however, to hear from Polehaus again, dry humor and all :P. It would have been fun, though, to see some of the devices from the Middle Ages used. I was reading about them a few months ago. . .let's just say they aren't pretty. At all =P

There's a celebration party at Whit's End, with all the "normals", and now Wooton starts to get just a little on my nerves with all his wisecracks. Connie finds out that Penny's not doing so well, and so she decides to go find out what's wrong. Of course, the next day, Wooton gets stood up (or more. . .sat down) when Penny doesn't show up at the theatre, and that does it for Connie, who's off to the college to find her with the word (Hurry!) At the college, Connie and Wooton goes to talk to Professor Bruce, who really strikes up on a bad note with me. It wouldn't surprise me if he were evil. Such a mean man, really. Wooton keeps butting in every time, and then Bruce makes rather rude remarks about Penny, and Connie defends her. And then it's made clear that Penny probably won't have a job anywhere at the campus.

At Penny's room, they try in no avail to find her (with Wooton continuously making corny remarks), and Connie talks to the "chipper young feller" who also believes Penny was on the wrong side (moral angst, as he calls it). Once the conversation is over, he rather audaciously asks Connie to go out with him sometime, but she says she doesn't like guys with moral angst. Moral ambiguity? Well. . .that depends. Yes, I'm ambiguous. What's it to you?

After another search for Penny (somewhat similar to Whit talking to that guy about Mitch in the Novacom saga), Connie kind of lays in on Wooton about his humor. . .which reveals that he's using his "frivoulous humor" to mask his concern for her. Oh, brother. (Oh, sister.) That doesn't explain the rest of the times he was annoying. But still, it's a nice little moment, and we do get a little hint that Penny and Wooton. . .well. . .*leaves it at that*

Penny, meanwhile, has to spend the night in the park (or tries to, after an officer comes to "help her"). After he leaves for awhile during their interesting conversation, she finds out how to open the trunk of her car. Someone mentioned how it kind of seemed that Penny was drunk here. To be honest, Penny did sound. . .different. This scene also reminded me of Living in the Gray, with Felicia (who sounds like Penny), and Jimmy's being homeless. And just like Felicia, Penny ends up in jail (after having her rights read).

The gang at Whit's End is busy discussing Penny's current plight, and strangely enough, Polehaus calls and explains the situation. Yep, none other like Penny would be having a party in jail. Of course, unless you're Wooton Basset. . .At the jail, they update more on the situation, and then go in on the party. For a second. . .I was afraid it would be something. . .seriously out of hand. It was so good to see Penny so happy about Connie, Wooton, and Whit. The good thing is, Penny is happy about getting to wear the orange jumpers she moped about in GRC.

Connie and Whit and Wooton set Penny straight and Connie takes Penny out, and Penny's touched. At least Penny was serious right there, even if she decides to tell Polehaus that vermillion curtains are in order. Oi vey. And Wooton tries to get arrested too. Jeez. LOCK 'IM UP!

At a picnic, the trio reminiscies over the past experiences, and the conversation is finally. . .serious, considering we have two of the weirdest characters together. We do see that Penny had a "father" relation with Trask, albeit it wasn't a true one, but it still will hurt in the days to come. And so the three toast with raspberry soda, even if Connie can't really drink it. Hey, cranberry juice is better. *Way* better.

To be honest, once looking over it, this episode was kind of. . .simple. Basically, it's like "Connie and Wooton search for a hurt Penny." And also, I didn't quite get the feel of what this show was supposed to be about. And Wooton's started to get more annoying. I do hope he doesn't get much worse. However, I suppose we'll see how Penny, Wooton, and Connie go on their adventures in the days to come.

My thought of their adventure? 7.5/10


Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:58 pm
by Moontide
I like Wooten during this episode, I like him better during this one then during others.

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:47 pm
by Lee
I thought this episode was rather amusing, (the parts with Penny made me laugh) but also quite shallow. I didn't really get much of a point out of it, so I'll give it a 3. It just seems like Wooton and Penny are good for the occasional laugh, but they're mostly goons.

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:15 pm
by Bennett
I really enjoyed this episode. Well done!

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:18 pm
by DanP740
Penny's voice is even more annoying than the new Connie-yelling-voice. And they still sound too similar to each other. And yeah, like someone said, what the heck is wrong with Penny and her car?

Barely gets 3 out of 5...

And does anybody seriously just walk up to someone and say "hey, you're cute. Wanna date?" o_0

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:53 pm
by Steve
This episdoe only got two out of five because of the line about "moral angst." :hilarious:

Other than that, I really wanted to beat up all of the characters because they were so annoying. (And by the way, the title has next to nothing to do with the episode [except for the word "Penny"]. It's not a salvation story like it sounds like it should be.)

So yeah, pretty poor episode. Not one I'll be too excited to hear again.

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:47 pm
by American Eagle

I also found the episode "boring and shallow", as Josiah said. A few random happenings mixed with added Wooton nonsense. In the end, who was saved? What characters were developed? Sure, a lesson was taught, but without a good story.

Nothing to hate, nothing to love, nothing to like.


Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:01 am
by jennifertwt
DanP740 wrote:Penny's voice is even more annoying than the new Connie-yelling-voice. And they still sound too similar to each other. And yeah, like someone said, what the heck is wrong with Penny and her car?

Barely gets 3 out of 5...

And does anybody seriously just walk up to someone and say "hey, you're cute. Wanna date?" o_0
I am 46 years old, and yes, I have heard that line, however NOT from someone I would care to talk to much less go out with. :noway:

I agree, I like this season's Wooton much better than in the past, though his lines and delivery reminded me more of what Eugene would say, maybe that is why. I had not noticed Connie "yelling"... except in Grandma´s Christmas Visit, will have to listen to the new season again before they disappear from

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:07 am
by Sapphire
I enjoyed this episode. It dealt with a good topic. There are many people out there who feel guilty about testifying against a friend in court. I wish it was more of a serious episode, but I guess you can never have a serious episode when Wooton is in it. So, that's my only complaint about the episode. Not my favorite episode, but it's not my lease favorite. I give "A Penny Saved" three stars out of five.

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:18 pm
by Mrs Jason Whittaker

A Penny Saved is about Penny...being saved. Saved from withdrawing in on herself in sadness and depression. It's a story about Penny who's "the kind of person who won't tell you she's in trouble because she doesn't want you to go to any trouble to help her" being saved by friends who will go to the trouble to help her even if she doesn't ask.

For the record, I thought Penny sounded really tired when the officer "arrested" her, not drunk.

It was an ok story. Not my favorite, not my least favorite.

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:00 am
by jennifertwt
Mrs Jason Whittaker wrote:3/5

A Penny Saved is about Penny...being saved. Saved from withdrawing in on herself in sadness and depression. It's a story about Penny who's "the kind of person who won't tell you she's in trouble because she doesn't want you to go to any trouble to help her" being saved by friends who will go to the trouble to help her even if she doesn't ask.

For the record, I thought Penny sounded really tired when the officer "arrested" her, not drunk.

It was an ok story. Not my favorite, not my least favorite.
A most excellent review from the one with my most favorite screen name! Well done! =D>

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:37 am
by Knight Fisher
American Eagle wrote:Nothing to hate, nothing to love, nothing to like.
Yep that sums it up. I used to slightly like Wooten. I used to like Connie. But now... Wasn't horrible. But wasn't a good episode.
Taking Off Stars Scale Rating: 3 Stars.
Putting On Stars Scale Rating: 0 Stars.

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:58 am
by 31899
I found this episode was better than the first episode of the season. It was more believable to an extent. The whole prison thing was rather odd.
One up from the last episode giving it 3 out of 5.


Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:04 am
by Lee
31899 wrote:The whole prison thing was rather odd.

Yes indeed. But it was also completely unbelievable, and almost funny in a bizzare sort of way.

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:45 am
by Dallas R.
I guess I'm in a minority here, but I actually was pleasantly surprised by the episode. I wasn't expecting much since I don't really like Penny that much, and I really didn't like her and Wooten during the Green Ring Conspiracy, but I thought their chemistry was much better here. She's still not really a Christian though...

The story was pretty silly, and didn't develop very much, but I think that this is sort of necessary when continuing on storylines after a long saga. After so many episodes of serious, in depth story, it's nice to hear the characters in something light and fluffy again. They did the same thing after Darkness Before Dawn with "Welcome Home Mr. Blackgaard" and after Novacom, with "Between You and Me." I think Wooton and Penny worked much better in this type of episode.

I was glad to hear Wooton back to being a little more like his old self. He actually had a few lines where I thought he showed some maturity again. I loved where he says he's using witty humor to cover up his true feelings. I do that a lot, and it was nice to know that Wooton really was hurting in the whole situation, and not just frivoluously laughing it off as he was letting on.

Overall, it was a good, humorous episode that made me laugh multiple times. I think it was the right Post-saga approach.

Re: 692: A Penny Saved

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:07 am
by Jason Whits Son
-as posted on blog - CC Connection
This episode was one I really looked forward to hearing. Because just like they did with the other sagas, it ties up some loose ends. I really liked the beginning with the news report and trial. We got to see some of Polehaus and his dry sense of humor. This episode really added to Penny's character too. We got to see how this whole ordeal effected her. And it showed that she isn't the type to ask for help even if she needs it. This episode adds to the friendships between Wooton, Connie and Penny. Connie and Wooton show genuine concern for her even though they haven't known her for too long. I like that we meet another Professor of the college. It seems like Odyssey lost some of it's businesses in after 50 albums. It gained some, but some things just haven't been mentioned yet, like the paper, Odyssey 105, etc.

Wooton's concern for Penny is uncanny. And Connie hit it on the head. Love? This soon?.... But will it last? Penny at McCalister park is kinda funny. Yet sad all the same. The trunk part is kinda strange, but it fits her character. I can see her as the type that would have trouble figuring out things like finding the trunk button. The fact that she requests that the officer read her her rights was funny too. The fact that she was ridiculed for doing the right thing reminds me of Mitch's situation after Novacom. It is pretty similar, but in her case she takes it a step further by hiding the fact that she needs a place to stay. Her being "put in Jail" for her protection was kind of the officer.It was very Penny-like to throw a party in jail. Classic. Penny is a character that I can see sticking around for a while. The post-50 character mesh is gradually coming together, and a Connie/Wooton friend is a nice thing to see.

This episode precedes the GRC quite nicely. Wooton and Penny's chemistry wasn't used too much in this one. The news cast at the end stating that Trask gets 25 years for his crimes wrapped it up nicely. I enjoyed the scene with Penny, Wooton, and Connie overlooking Odyssey and the area where the whole thing happened. It created a feeling that the characters would be able to move on after everything that had happened. One thing that wasn't answered was what happened to Buck? They could have mentioned him in a passing statement or something? But I guess if we don't hear anything referencing him in 54, maybe we will in 55.

Theme: 3.5/5
Humor: 3.5/5
Quotes: 4/5 --

Standout Quote:
Ted Humpfries: Wooton Bassett, also from Odyssey and personally involved in the case, gave us his take on the verdict.
Wooton Bassett: Thanks Ted. Did you see the size of the judge's gavel? That thing was huge! I'd love to have one of those at home.
Ted Humpfries: About the verdict?
Wooton Bassett: Oh yeah, the verdict. That was a good call, and the jury foreman had good diction when he read it out. Very Shakespearean.
Don Polehaus: I've seen it happen more times than Wooton can count.
Wooton Bassett: Six?
Don Polehaus: Exactly.
Interest level: 4/5
"Like" rating: 3/5

Average Rating 3.5/5
Summery: I liked it. It's an average-ish episode that has good quality, nothing that stands out either good or bad. Rating 3.5/5