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691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:15 pm
by Bren

What do you think? To hear my review, listen to my latest podcast.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:56 pm
by American Eagle
The scene between Olivia and Mr. Parker rocked! One of the best scenes since the relaunch.

Good episode. Full review when I have more time and can re-listen.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:43 am
by Bren
American Eagle wrote:The scene between Olivia and Mr. Parker rocked! One of the best scenes since the relaunch.
Yes, it totally does and the music just adds to it. The discussion between Whit and Wooton after Olivia and Matthew leave Whit's End is better in the album version. I hate that they had to cut some of it out.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:25 am
by Christian A.
Well, I don't have much time to write this morning. In fact, I'm surprised that I am able to do it now. I had to get up really early and hope that had posted the episode link already. Thankfully they had, and I'm listening to it right now. My review might not be as good as usual, because 1. It's early and I'm tired, 2. I have a time deadline rapidly approaching, and 3. I'm just getting back into the reviewing frame of mind after having been off for several months. Plus it's going to be hard doing a different style of review than I did throughout the GRC. So bear with me.

Wow. I actually loved this episode--really loved it. I hope I can go into more episodes this season with low expectations, because this one blew me away. I can honestly say that I liked it more than any other episode that has come out since The Jubilee Singers. It was fully entertaining, and yet it had a very powerful moral that was powerfully driven home without merely being suggested or implied. You could tell that the writers truly wrote this episode to bring across a point, rather than just to entertain. This is the first episode since The Inspiration Station that I actually felt really applied to my life. I was greatly moved by the message, and it's the first time in a very long while that an Odyssey episode really convicted me and made me want to change.

Well now that I've got that off my chest, I'll go review the episode the way I did back in Albums 51 and 52. There isn't really any order to it, but I'll do my best to make it interesting.

It was a pleasant surprise to hear Olivia's new voice in this episode, since I had totally forgotten that that was coming. She sounds like a mix between Charlotte (after she's revealed to be Charlotte) in An Agreeable Nanny and Jill from the Kidsboro episodes. However, I actually think I could like this voice more than I like Hope Levy's voice. As far as I know, she's still played by an adult actress, and there's still a hint of that in there. Oh, I just looked over at AIO Wiki, and not only is she played by an adult, but that adult is Kelly Stables, the same woman who voiced Jill in Kidsboro! I think this new voice is a bit of an improvement, even though she does sound a lot like Jill. Whereas when Hope Levy was Olivia's actress, I complained about how old she made the character sound, I actually like the older, slightly more mature, feeling that Kelly Stables brings to the character. She really brings out the dramatic side of Olivia, which I think is what the writers originally expected Olivia's emphasis to be when they created her. For once, I actually look forward to hearing more of Olivia throughout the rest of the season.

I really enjoyed the sibling rivalry in the episode. The new voice for Olivia fits perfectly to be an arguing opponent against Matthew. Hope Levy's Olivia always left me annoyed after she'd had a fight with Matthew, but Kelly Stables' Olivia really fit well for the role. Her fights with Matthew actually, for the first time, really reminded me of how Jimmy and Donna Barclay were. Could the Parker children finally be giving themselves a good name in Odyssey history as a fictional family that we non-fictional families can fully relate to? Anyway, I was reminded of myself and my arguments with siblings a lot throughout this episode. I once heard Sarah from the Unofficial AIO Podcast say that whenever she encounters families with siblings that almost never fight, she wonders what's wrong with them. :D I agree with her. I think bickering and fighting among siblings, though it is sinful 99% of the time, can bring us closer together and help us to understand each other more. That's exactly what it seemed to do in this episode for Matthew and Olivia. And I loved the resolution scene; for the first time, I think, it really sounded like the Parker siblings really loved each other. :)

Is it just me, or has Wooton's voice changed a bit? He seems to have a more raspy, less silly, edge to his voice these days. But he is still silly. A little too silly. I know he's supposed to be the stereotypical fun-loving, somewhat absentminded, joke-telling, but good role-model character, but I'd like to see the serious side of him once in a while. We did see a little glimpse back into that old, somber side of him when he was faced with a hard decision in the episode, but then he was quickly back to silliness. There was a perfect balance when we had Grady. But now Wooton doesn't really have anybody that he's talking and relating with on a regular basis (unless you want to count Penny, but what kind of an influence on his character has she been?), so we only see him as a flat, one-sided, silly, barely-adult character who is merely there for laughs. Yes, he had a fairly major part in this episode, and we did see a side of him we haven't really seen before (Sunday School teacher), but I was more than a little dissatisfied with him.

The scene with Olivia and her dad was really powerful. I think that's the first time since Always with Ben Shepherd and Aubrey that there's been a real, heart-to-heart, father-daughter talk, let alone one that I felt emotionally connected with. And the music in that scene was amazing; it really added to the poignant atmosphere of the situation. I loved how Scripture was the teaching factor, and not merely words of wisdom from Whit, or worse, a brief lecture from Chris at the end of the show. I honestly think this show had the best moral and the best teaching moments of any show since the relaunch. I very much hope that there will be many more episodes like this to come.

So, that's my review. It was certainly shorter than my GRC reviews, but it was one of my longer ones. I enjoyed writing it, so I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please tell me what you thought about the review, and especially what your reaction to the episode was. Did you like it as much as I did or not? What'd you think about Olivia's new voice? Was Wooton a nice or annoying addition to the heart of the episode?

Rating: 9.5/10 stars.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:24 am
by Bennett
Great episode!

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:30 am
by jennifertwt
I enjoyed this episode alot. I am not usually a Wooten fan and did not really notice a new Olivia though I did still find the character annoying. The lesson was well taught and I love the way the Scripture was used. Though I appreciate this album having actual titles for the episodes as opposed to The Green Ring Conspiracy 1-12, I wish they had taken the title directly from I Corinthians 13 as in On Earth as it is in Heaven. That would have been cool. I look forward to hearing the rest of this album. I have found a UK source for AIO which makes it slightly more accessible to get to Sweden, but I would still rather listen to the whole album before ordering. The Blackgaard Chronicles, on the other hand, will be ordered this week!

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:26 am
by whittaker96
I really enjoyed this episode and will review it more thoroughly later. However, I just wanted to share a short conspiracy theory. So, I was listening with my dad, and he noticed that the opening intro sounded a lot like the Donna Reed Show theme. You can watch part of it there. Could the composer be thinking fondly of a old show? Or COULD THE PRODUCERS HAVE PLACED A SMALL HINT THAT THE BARCLAYS COULD BE RETURNING TO ODYSSEY???? haha, i just thought that was cool.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:25 pm
by Jesus' Princess
I really enjoyed this episode, it seemed more like the older episodes in a way :) My parents actually liked it as well, they haven't really been big fans of albums 51 and beyond, with the exception of the GRC, but they said they liked this one more. Did they get a new voice for Olivia? she sounded different.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:00 pm
by Graces4you
Rebekah wrote: Did they get a new voice for Olivia? she sounded different.
Yes, I asked that on the Official podcast a while back and I was told that Hope Levy was not availible to voice Olivia(or something like that) and a new actress Kelly Stables had taken on the roll. I like her voice much better, it sounds younger and seems more like the charecter Olivia. This episode wasn't that bad, actually I think it is one of the best since post album 50, (not including the TGRC) and I can't wait to see what comes next.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:03 pm
by Peachey Keen
The whole thing was a breath of fresh air for me. The lesson was brought home very well. It wasn't like the fluff we've been getting with a lot of recent Odyssey episodes.

I've never been a big fan of Olivia, but I like it that Kelly Stables is now voicing her now. Mind you, I don't like adult females play young girls, but for some reason, I've always liked Jill from Kidsboro. Olivia now sounds closer to the characters age and is a little more likeable.

The father/daughter talk with Olivia and David was teriffic! I'd say one of the best moments in AIO. Finally Odyssey is putting the "family" back in the family show!

4 stars!!!

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:40 pm
by Steve
Well, AIO is back for new episodes, and I must admit, this one was better than both of the past slice-of-life season openers.

Now, from the title you can be sure that I, along with many other listeners, went, "Oh great, another dumb Wooton episode." However, I was plesently surprised at how well Wooton worked. When he was supposed to be funny, he came off as legitematly funny. He never really got too corny or immature in his jokes.

The other dominate character in the episode was Olivia Parker, who's voice sounds like a real kid now! The voice chage was much needed, and added some depth and vaunerability to her character. Now, of course she whined a lot in this episode. I think that's the purpose of female characters on Odyssey. But her whining seemed more real this time, as did her harsh comments about her brother. I have to say though, the scene with her and her dad was mildly corny. Joshua Meanie?! Oh, come on! Even though it was said that it was the kid's real name, it seemed cheesy.

My only other complaint about the episode was the end with Melissa Siefers. I cringed as soon as the music started. It sounded like someone making fun of contemporary Christian music. And then the cheesy, "Hey everybody, I'm Melissa Siefers!" was lame. And of course, Olivia's incredibly annoying shreeking. However all was not lost to the end with the scene (after Chris' wrap-up) with Wooten and the little kids around the campfire. "Is this supposed to be scary?"

All in all, it was a pretty good episode, though maybe not the best season opener. 3 stars for me.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:54 pm
by Lee
I have tried not to read the other reviews so my own will not just echo previously stated thoughts.

When I first started listening, I didn't think much of Olivia's new voice (not that I liked the old one much.), but as it wore on I could see that the new actress is a much better fit for the part. Her anger towards Matthew was very realistic sounding. The talk with her and her father was very good as well and reminded me very much of talks I've had with my parents.

Negatives: It seemed a bit unrealistic to have it take her 2 weeks to do nothing but memorize a chapter of the Bible. It seems a bit far-fetched that she wouldn't get the idea that she was supposed to be interacting with the kids. I don't think most middle-schoolers are that dense. Also, what sounds like a whole concert set up behind a bus? Not very likely.

All in all I'd give it a 3.5/5. Definitely much better than the previous eps of the relaunch. (aside from tgrc of course)

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:49 am
by American Eagle
I'm pleased with this episode. It's fun, different and has a legitimate moral to the story. The last episode with Wooton's name in the title lacked any seriousness or depth. As I mentioned, the scene between Olivia and her dad is pure depth.

I love Olivia's new voice. When Mr. Parker is telling about Joshua Meanie, Olivia's "...and I remind you of him?" response sounds exactly like Ellen Page in Inception. Her voice overall sounds a lot like her. Huzzah for a good new voice. \:D/

One thing that may be a goof, I don't know — Wooton says he can only accept one assistant, because there's only one bed available, and yet he doesn't care if the assistant is male or female. I'd think the camp would divide the genders. :anxious:

My only criticism is Wooton's "scary stories". Those parts were boring and didn't add much to the story.

Question: In the album version, does Melissa Seifert sing a song at the end?


Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:07 pm
by Moontide
My only criticism is Wooton's "scary stories". Those parts were boring and didn't add much to the story.
I disagree, those are a sub plot.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:43 pm
by King Butter Turtle
whittaker96 wrote:I really enjoyed this episode and will review it more thoroughly later. However, I just wanted to share a short conspiracy theory. So, I was listening with my dad, and he noticed that the opening intro sounded a lot like the Donna Reed Show theme. You can watch part of it there. Could the composer be thinking fondly of a old show? Or COULD THE PRODUCERS HAVE PLACED A SMALL HINT THAT THE BARCLAYS COULD BE RETURNING TO ODYSSEY???? haha, i just thought that was cool.
Ha! That, actually does sound very similar. But, I highly doubt the Barclays are coming back. ;)
American Eagle wrote:One thing that may be a goof, I don't know — Wooton says he can only accept one assistant, because there's only one bed available, and yet he doesn't care if the assistant is male or female. I'd think the camp would divide the genders. :anxious:
Good catch. I never thought of that.
American Eagle wrote:My only criticism is Wooton's "scary stories". Those parts were boring and didn't add much to the story.
That was the best part! I thought they were funny and, a great way to contain Wooton's silliness, which can, at times, get over the top.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:29 am
by Joanne
Adah wrote:Negatives: It seemed a bit unrealistic to have it take her 2 weeks to do nothing but memorize a chapter of the Bible. It seems a bit far-fetched that she wouldn't get the idea that she was supposed to be interacting with the kids. I don't think most middle-schoolers are that dense. Also, what sounds like a whole concert set up behind a bus? Not very likely.
I disagree. That seems like something I would do. Totally believable. But that's just me. ;)

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:10 pm
by Knight Fisher
I guess since I am a "hater" you all are going to disagree with me. But here is my review.

The episode starts with a theme song. It's decent, but it doesn't feel John Campbelly. The whole Scary stories thing was not funny. And then the part that sealed the episode for me. WiFi keyboard. [Edited out of this post is a two page rant on the ridiculousness of the idea of a WiFi keyboard. The whole Matthew technology thing I find very insulting.] Then the whole memorizing the chapter thing was kind of ridiculous. The conversation between Olivia and her dad was believable. But notice he implied that everything she said in the other room was true. And the singer behind the bus was completely predictable.

Overall even though it did have some good spots. It was not entertaining. And was not funny. And the Focus on the Family player was having problems. (again) So I didn't hear anything past Olivia screaming as the bus moved.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:26 pm
by Jesus' Princess
Graces4you wrote:
Rebekah wrote: Did they get a new voice for Olivia? she sounded different.
Yes, I asked that on the Official podcast a while back and I was told that Hope Levy was not availible to voice Olivia(or something like that) and a new actress Kelly Stables had taken on the roll. I like her voice much better, it sounds younger and seems more like the charecter Olivia. This episode wasn't that bad, actually I think it is one of the best since post album 50, (not including the TGRC) and I can't wait to see what comes next.
Okay, that explains it, I think Kelly Stables' voice fits Olivia better, and overall she did a great job. As I think AE said, Wooton's "scary stories" were the one thing that I didn't like about the show, I thought they were kind of cheesy and dumb, especially with all those interjections, but the rest of the episode was great, and I'm looking forward to next week \:D/

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:13 pm
by Moontide
Knight Fisher wrote:I guess since I am a "hater" you all are going to disagree with me. But here is my review.
Your prediction is true!
Knight Fisher wrote: And then the part that sealed the episode for me. WiFi keyboard. [Edited out of this post is a two page rant on the ridiculousness of the idea of a WiFi keyboard. The whole Matthew technology thing I find very insulting.]
Google disagrees, Computer keyboards that are wireless are common.

Re: 691: Wooton Knows Best

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:59 pm
by Steve
Knight Fisher wrote:
Moontide wrote:And then the part that sealed the episode for me. WiFi keyboard. [Edited out of this post is a two page rant on the ridiculousness of the idea of a WiFi keyboard. The whole Matthew technology thing I find very insulting.]
Google disagrees, Computer keyboards that are wireless are common.
Actually, I believe he was talking about musical keyboards.Yeah, I caught that too and forgot to make fun of it in my review.