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The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 9:42 am
by orangie
I guess this topic depends on what age you started listening to Odyssey. I started listening to Odyssey when I was six or seven. For me, I was totallly freaked out with all the episodes featuring the character AREM. I even thought that when I used the computer AREM would pop on the screen. Silly how the way kids think! It probably was because I had never heard the episode where AREM is really Robert Mitchell. Has anyone else been scared silly of an Odyssey episode when they were little?

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 9:53 am
by Bob
Well, a few come to mind...

"The Case of the Secret Room" used to scare me a little when I was younger, in the part where Mr. Fenwick is sneaking around Whit's End.

The part in "Darkness Before Dawn" where Jason and Eugene are talking about The Silent One, and Jason figures out that it's referring to Ruku, always scared me a little too, for some reason.

However, the scariest episodes I can think of are "The Mysterious Stranger" -- which still spooks me, to this day -- and "Castles and Cauldrons", which is too creepy for my comfort.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:01 am
by orangie
"Castles and Cauldrons" was a scary one for me too.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:13 am
by Taps
Umm yeah I listen'd to "Novacom" When I was 6. I thought it was just another good album so I popped it in when I was in bed and it freaked me out SO MUCH. Clearly not learning my lesson a little later I listen'd to "The Black Veil" In bed when I was 7. Also freaked out then :yes: I remember being kind of scared of No way In and No Way Out :shrugs: Never Blackgaard though for some reason. Oh yeah and "The Mysterious Stranger" To. At the end of the episode when the strangers father was howling :shivers: So creepy.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:01 pm
by Jesus' Princess
I started listening when was about 6, and I can think of two episodes that creeped me out, The Case of the Secret Room, that one was creepy, especially when Mr. Fenwick was in the basement, that voice still gives me shivers. And The Mysterious Stranger, that whole episode was really scary to me. Even now it's a little creepy. Another one that freaked me out a little, was in the one about the painting with Alfred Meyers in it. (I forgot the name, does anyone know? it's been bugging me.) Alfred Meyers' voice was a little freaky to me.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:06 pm
by Jesus' Princess
I started listening when was about 6, and I can think of two episodes that creeped me out, The Case of the Secret Room, that one was creepy, especially when Mr. Fenwick was in the basement, that voice still gives me shivers. And The Mysterious Stranger, that whole episode was really scary to me. Even now it's a little creepy. Another one that freaked me out a little, was in the one about the painting with Alfred Meyers in it. (I forgot the name, does anyone know? it's been bugging me.) Alfred Meyers' voice was a little freaky to me.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 1:18 pm
by Steve
I didn't really start getting into Odyssey until I was about 11 or 12. But the first time I heard "The Mysterious Stranger" it kind of freaked me out, like Taps said, Steven's howling gives one the shivers. The Case of the Secret Room was mildly creepy, but the only thing that shocked me was the fact that they had the skeleton in the secret room. However, nothing from Novacom spooked me at all. It was pretty low-key for about half the saga. Though, I still really get into the Plan B 4-parter. That's probably one of my favorite Novacom shows. The Black Veil was a little bit frightning, mostly the portions of the show where someone was on a mad rampage, like Nicky and the Mulligan's neighbor-they were both a little creepy.

Sigh... I wish we could have some more shows like The Secret Room and the Mysterious Stranger that are creepy, and show some of Whit's End's history.

Wow. No smilies at all. I must be acting mature!

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 5:31 pm
by Leonard Meltsner
The first album I ever got as a small child was 38. I was laying in bed, at approx. age 6, scared witless listening to The Black Veil, Part 1. Not knowing at the time how to operate my CD player, I was forced to lay in bed till the end of Disk 1, hearing crazy people break things, screaming, Whit talking about being Hitler, and then ending with Sam Hitchcock's deranged "The disease will destroy us ALL!!". I didn't listen to album 38 for many years after that. My parents decided to give me the new album 39 instead, a much better choice. The only other time I've been freaked by Odyssey was the end of The Mysterious Stranger, Part 1, when Whit and Lucy were in the Tate house wreck, and as you've all mentioned, Steven begins to howl. HOWL!! HOW SCARY WAS THAT!!!??? Castles and Cauldrons, however, is one of my favourite eps.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 5:42 pm
by Young&Mighty
I do not recall the name of the episode since it's been ages since I listened to AIO. It was about Jimmy being nearly involved in demonic practices because his family member came and introduced a parody of Castles and Cauldrons. They had an Ouija board and Whit came and stopped the guy from cutting Jimmy's hand. Other than that episode, none of the episodes really scared me because I knew good would always prevail.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 5:47 pm
by Bob
Young&Mighty wrote:I do not recall the name of the episode since it's been ages since I listened to AIO. It was about Jimmy being nearly involved in demonic practices because his family member came and introduced a parody of Castles and Cauldrons.
You mean a parody of "Dungeons & Dragons"?

The name of the episode was "Castles & Cauldrons"... it apparently is a very popular episode to be afraid of, judging by the above posts. ;-)

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 5:50 pm
by Young&Mighty
Bob wrote:
Young&Mighty wrote:I do not recall the name of the episode since it's been ages since I listened to AIO. It was about Jimmy being nearly involved in demonic practices because his family member came and introduced a parody of Castles and Cauldrons.
You mean a parody of "Dungeons & Dragons"?

The name of the episode was "Castles & Cauldrons"... it apparently is a very popular episode to be afraid of, judging by the above posts. ;-)
Whoopsies... It is indeed a scary episode though. No wonder AIO gave a warning for the parents to stick with their kids during the broadcast.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 5:55 pm
by Bob
Young&Mighty wrote:
Whoopsies... It is indeed a scary episode though. No wonder AIO gave a warning for the parents to stick with their kids during the broadcast.
I agree; sometimes I think the parental warnings might be a little overkill (as in, "come on, this episode isn't that bad"), but I think sticking one on C&C was a very good decision.

As it is, it still creeps me out, and I'm a bit older than the intended listening audience. I can probably count the number of times I've heard it on one hand -- it's been years.

C&C is one of the few episodes that, as far as I can recall, is deadly serious the whole way through, and while it certainly is a very powerful episode, it isn't one I personally enjoy listening to... and apparently most other people feel the same way.

It was a necessary message to get across, though; not all role-playing is bad, but things that introduce alternate religions or occult practices for people to entertain are definitely un-Christian and unsafe, and it was a good idea for FOTF to cover it, even if people aren't happy with or don't enjoy the result.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 6:08 pm
Most of the episodes I had heard when I was a little kid were Novacom eps, and I don't recall ever being frightened by any of those. I didn't hear most of the more intnse episodes until I was 13 or 14, so they never really bothered me or anything. I love the sort of creepy feeling in C&C, but it always scares my younger siblings.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 6:09 pm
by Leonard Meltsner
My reasons for liking C&C so, I gave throughout a few different posts in the Episode Competition thread, near the beginning.

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 6:11 pm
by SoccerLOTR
wow, I feel WAY too old when you all are talking about being young and listening to the Novacom saga...{searches for grey hairs in front of the mirror}

One episode that really creeped me out was Blackgaard's Revenge where he was trying to take Aubrey's soul...that kind of creeped me out, and it didn't help that i listened to it after i went to bed...
But I agree with some of these...Case of the Secret Room was a little scary in the basement scene...C&C was scary when Jimmy and Len were in the tent and Whit comes in. I think those are the main ones. I still like them though. And I agree with Steve...we need more of the suspense mystery type episodes that go into some of the history of the area and stuff!

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 9:16 pm
by The Kings Daughter
I've never been extremely creeped out by an AIO program until I listened to The Case of the Secret Room. That one is the only one that REALLY bothered me. :anxious:

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:20 pm
by Taps
Leonard Meltsner wrote:The first album I ever got as a small child was 38. I was laying in bed, at approx. age 6, scared witless listening to The Black Veil, Part 1. Not knowing at the time how to operate my CD player, I was forced to lay in bed till the end of Disk 1, hearing crazy people break things, screaming, Whit talking about being Hitler, and then ending with Sam Hitchcock's deranged "The disease will destroy us ALL!!". I didn't listen to album 38 for many years after that.

HAHA no way that's exactly what happen'd to me!!! Good times huh? ;)

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:15 pm
by Mr.Whit
Nothing to Fear gives me everything to fear I sitll can't listen to that episode

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:56 pm
by Moontide
When I was very little (like 4) I found All Well With Boswell so scary that I couldn't listen it through.

Castles & Cauldrons is so scary I have never made it through, but I think that it misrepresents Dungeons & Dragons (not that I have ever played it, this is just what it sound like from reading about it). Magic in Dungeons & Dragons seems to act more like this:
"I cast a fire spell on the kobold, using up my fire spell slot."
"Then roll 1d6 to see if you hit. Look you hit it. Now roll 1d6+5 to see how much damage you did. And you hit for 10 hit points. The kobold dies"
(note: I am making up the exact details but I think you get the picture. Also note: someone who has actually played D&D could give a more actuate description of it.)

Re: The most scary episodes

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:46 pm
by Leonard Meltsner
I believe that Whit said that for most people it will only be a harmless game, but as Dr. Dobson said at the beginning, there are cases of people getting into demonic contact and Satanism through this game. It's not most, but it does happen.