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Welcome the new Town of Odyssey Police Force!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 5:31 pm
by The Top Crusader
Hey, folks!

We finally have a police force in place, to quell all your riots, and keep peace over the board! There are lots of qualified people on the board, and it wasn't easy to decide on the folks we decided on... we had a long list, that eventually got edited down to the fine law officers you see before you today.

Here are the new officers, and the beats they will patrol. :)

Monday and Dr. Watson in Finneman's Market
JesusFreak777 and Trent DeWhite in Whit's End
Catspaw and Mellow in the Harlequin Theatre
Bmuntz in Hillingdale Haven
Elf of Rivendell in Gower's Field
AIO PSYCHE in Odyssey 105

Congratulations to the first ever Odyssey Police Force! I'm sure they'll do Officer Harley proud!

Your loving Mayor,
~Brian, The Top Crusader

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 6:22 pm
by Eugene Blackgaard
The new force will be serving under me, and I assure you they are all good people who will do great jobs. :)

While I am certain we shall never have any problems, if you do have any problems with the moderators, feel free to PM me about it.

No pressure to behave, officers. ;)

Anyways, I am confidant they will keep this place safe, fun, and good for everyone.