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Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:29 pm
by Chandler
Dr. Watson wrote:If I went with a Mac, I would probably go laptop since they seem slightly cheaper then desktop. But at this point I hadn't really made up my mind.
If you don't need the portability, the iMacs are really nice. I have a 24" iMac that I got earlier this year. It's been a terrific upgrade from my 15" iMac that is 7 years old. ;)

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:25 pm
by Reddo

now that i've said that let me explain

1)Then why start now?
2) Macs are not more stable than the newer versions of windows, and also if you look into it you'll find that windows (without any anti-virus programs) has better protection than macs do, it just so happens that almost nobody tried to hack a mac, but as macs are becoming more popular so will the mac viruses. I've had my laptop running windows 7 for over a year now with no anti-virus software running and it's still just as good as when i installed it
3) it's mostly Dependant on what hardware you have, only reason to get a mac for this is if you're using Final Cut on it or something
4) you can do that just put them on an external hard drive/flash drive and plug it in and it should work
5) right, they're becoming cheaper but i think it's still more expensive than they should be

My suggestion would be to buy a windows computer and then if you really want mac go buy a copy of it then use something like iDeneb to install OS X and dual boot your computer, it's cheaper and you can get both.

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:28 pm
by Trent DeWhite
Reddo is clearly in denial.

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:42 pm
by Reddo
Trent DeWhite wrote:Reddo is clearly in denial.
No I'm not

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:21 am
by Aram
Denial is merely a state of mind :) the PC vs. MAC debate is not one which will die easily. It is very similar to the debate between pirates and ninjas.

Honestly, I've ran windows for many years and have worked with MACs, MACs are great for graphic design, but I've never had problems with Windows, especially now that windows 7 is out. Hopefully they're beginning to see that bugs are a problem,lol.

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:57 pm
by Samwise
I've worked with computer troubleshooting and I have to say, the biggest secret computer technicians have is that if all users got Mac, we'd be out of a job.
For professional computer users—as in people who use computers for a specific purpose such as graphic designing, video editing, or programming—I do not care what computers they use, as long as it gets their work accomplished.

However, for the casual user who browses blogs, emails, and works on papers, I highly and heartily recommend Macs. The reason is quite simple. When 99% of the time you hear about viruses and id theft, PCs are involved, how can I not? And if you were ever compelled to run a Windows computer, you can of course install Windows on a Mac as well through such programs as Boot Camp, VMware Fusion, or Parallels.

So Dr. Watson, I definitely recommend a Mac for you.

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 12:37 am
Mac all the way! \:D/

Seriously, you'll wish you had switched sooner.


Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:16 pm
by Trixie Belden

And that is my answer.

Seriously, Macs are far better than PCs, because they get fewer viruses and are about a kajillion times faster. Two years ago, my mom bought a Dell laptop. Back then, it was the fast computer. We marveled at its alacrity for the first month. Then it got slower and slower until we now cannot use it for anything except playing games. We bought three Macs earlier this year and they have not disappointed. They are amazingly fast, and they have virtually no bugs. They are a lot of fun!

Try. Enjoy. Be so happy that you listened to me. ; )

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:01 pm
by Sherlock
That said, word has it that Apply *may* be releasing a new Macbook Pro in January with a much faster processor. So perhaps it might be worth the wait?
Currently, if I have my facts straight, there's not a whole lot of difference between the white Macbook and the current Pro model other than the aluminium body, backlit keyboard and the availability of a firewire/SD slot.

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:50 pm
by Anna><>
So, my brother wants a Mac, so I was at the electronics store with him and overheard this guy talking about Macs. He said that Macs are good for college people who know what they want out of their computer. Also, he said that Macs come out with a new model less often than PC companies because they get the best parts from everyone and don't just settle for the cheapest parts so they can sell their computer for cheap. He was saying how they test theirs longer to make sure they work good and that they don't get viruses as much and have better defences for the computer. So from what he said, I'd get a Mac.

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:33 pm
by Samwise
Sherlock wrote:That said, word has it that Appl[e] *may* be releasing a new Macbook Pro in January with a much faster processor. So perhaps it might be worth the wait?
Currently, if I have my facts straight, there's not a whole lot of difference between the white Macbook and the current Pro model other than the aluminium body, backlit keyboard and the availability of a firewire/SD slot.
I myself am waiting for the new i7 infrastructure—which emulates a quad-core processor with hyperthreading—to come to the MacBook Pro line. When it does next year, I plan to buy it to replace my current Mac.

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:30 pm
by Sherlock
Samwise wrote:
Sherlock wrote:That said, word has it that Appl[e] *may* be releasing a new Macbook Pro in January with a much faster processor. So perhaps it might be worth the wait?
Currently, if I have my facts straight, there's not a whole lot of difference between the white Macbook and the current Pro model other than the aluminium body, backlit keyboard and the availability of a firewire/SD slot.
I myself am waiting for the new i7 infrastructure—which emulates a quad-core processor with hyperthreading—to come to the MacBook Pro line. When it does next year, I plan to buy it to replace my current Mac.
Alas, if I had the option of waiting and assuming that Apple would have kept the 13" range and not raised the price, I would be doing the same thing. However, having banked on the probability that the new line would not be released during the first week of January (when I fly back to England where, incidentally, a new white Macbook runs about $1600 with the exchange rate), I decided to purchase mine now.

That said, this brings me to the first honestly "bad" experience I've had with Apple. And I wanted to share it here so that Dr. Watson and others who are considering Apple may be able to take account of these factors when making a final decision.

To date, I've purchased 2 of my Mac laptops from an Apple store. The primary reason was to take advantage of Apple's formerly generous student discount. However, this time around I picked up a 13.3" white plastic Macbook from Microcenter as they offered a tempting $200 rebate on that model. Budget-wise it made more sense than Apple's $50 student discount. Anyway, the computer came with the standard 1 year warranty and the option to purchase either a 3-year Apple Care plan or a 3-year Microcenter plan.

Prior to purchasing the laptop, I had backed up my "home" folder on a removable hard drive (PC-formatted) in anticipation that I would sync all my data with the new laptop. As I had done with my old Mac, I went to the Apple store to get a few pointers about transferring my files to the new computer. Quite unexpectedly, I was met with a rather brusque employee who informed me that, since I did not purchase my computer from an Apple Retail store, I was not entitled to assistance in setting up the new computer. This came as quite a bit of a surprise as last time they were more than happy to help me with the data transfer.

Anyway, I came away from the experience with the definite impression that Apple does not treat customers who purchase from authorized retailers anywhere near as benevolently as they do those who purchase from an Apple Store. For me, the experience was an annoyance, but I could imagine that someone who has never owned a Mac could find this lack of assistance to be much more inhibiting. Additionally, the Apple "One on One" lessons are ONLY available at the time you purchase a new Mac and ONLY available if you purchase it at an Apple Store. That's something that neither Apple nor stores like Microcenter are very clear about. The net effect is that a customer may come away from a non-Apple Store purchase and very well (incorrectly) believe that they are entitled to the same benefits as a customer who purchases from an Apple Store.

Anyways, that was my bad experience. ;)

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:17 pm
by 31899
I'm not sure if this has been said but... You can have both the Macintosh OS and a Windows OS on a mac at the same time.


Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:28 pm
by Reddo
31899 wrote:I'm not sure if this has been said but... You can have both the Macintosh OS and a Windows OS on a mac at the same time.

if you don't mind fiddling a bit you can have both of them on a pc too

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:29 am
by Apple Sauce
Yes you should get a mac i have been using mac for a long time never had any problems (newish ones can run windows)

for more reasons why you should get a mac go to

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:57 pm
by rickyderocher
I wouldn't, but it's up to you.

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:01 pm
by Chandler
Reddo wrote:
31899 wrote:I'm not sure if this has been said but... You can have both the Macintosh OS and a Windows OS on a mac at the same time.

if you don't mind fiddling a bit you can have both of them on a pc too
And if you prefer the violin to the fiddle... ;)

At least Macs can run both legitimately. :noway:

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:50 pm
by Sherlock
Chandler wrote:
Reddo wrote:
31899 wrote:I'm not sure if this has been said but... You can have both the Macintosh OS and a Windows OS on a mac at the same time.

if you don't mind fiddling a bit you can have both of them on a pc too
And if you prefer the violin to the fiddle... ;)

At least Macs can run both legitimately. :noway:
And if legitimacy isn't a concern, I hear Psystar is having a fire sale on hackintoshes. ;)

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:45 pm
by Dr. Watson
Yay for bumping! \:D/ I'm typing this on my spiffeh new iMac!!! \:D/

I really like everything so far! Though I just turned it on like an hour ago, and I still have to explore everything. ;) But first things first, I have to visit the ToO to relate the news. :) Thanks everyone for your advice.

Re: Should I buy a Mac?

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:48 pm
by jelly
Yay for Watson and his amazingly awesome choice. \:D/