642: The Imagination Station Revisited: pt.2

Review time, folks!

Archived reviews of Adventures in Odyssey episodes!


***** Best ever!
** What were they thinking?
* Was that even Odyssey?
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Post by jelly »

Just as a note, you double posted, which is against the rules here. You could have just clicked edit on the first post, and then we could still read the amazing things you had to say without cringing at the fact that it was a double post. (I sound so parent-like, yet i just got repremanded for the same thing last week!) :-
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Post by #1KellyFan »

I'm sorry for that. I'm visually impaired and I use a screen reader for the computer. A screen reader is a program that reads text aloud to me. Sometimes it has a hard time functioning on message boards because of the graphics and stuff. I'll be more mindful not to accidentally double post the next time. Again, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. It's my first time here.
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Post by Dave »

Wow, this show was quite intense. And drawn-out. "The Imagination Station" was so fast-paced and adventurous. This re-telling was more slow and careful. But it was intense.

When Kelly's couldn't get out of the IS...that was so scary and an effective way to quickly "show" the Crucificion. The whole show felt quite heavy. Definitely the most emotionally-draining AIO show that I've heard in a long time. IMO, a classic of modern-day Odyssey. 4.5/5.
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Post by mydoghasfleas »

wow, i love how they introduced the new imagination station! no more rollerrcoaster screaming, but it left everyone wondering what happened when she pushed the red button........we will find out next year.......
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Post by Peachey Keen »

This was a very touching episode.I think that I might have cried a little.
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Post by funnelcakelady »

When Kelly was running around trying to get out, it really showed me how you cant escape..Him..when hes trying to get to you..and bring you to Himself.

Also, good way of bridging from this album to the next season...though it was a bit...lame how they used such a small sound :/ could've used something more exciting. But overall great one. 5/5..totally :)
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Post by aiofan_19 »

I thought this was a great episode! I really think Kelly was the best kid-character to use for this Imagination Station adventure! I have always loved the original Imagination Station adventure (with Digger). That one made me cry, as did this one. 5/5.
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Post by Jumpman256 »

Okay, whole episode review first:
This, as many people have said, was an intense adventure. One of the most heart-wrenching trips that the Station ever took someone on. And (as someone has also said) Kelly's performance was incredible. Trying to escape the machine, the crucifixion, everything...wow. :) And then of course, the maddening--yet ingenious--introduction at the very end of what I assume to be The Inspiration Station. Can't wait to see what that thing does.
And now, to the change of heart I alluded to in my review of Part 1:
As I said there, when I realized there was no red button, my first thought was, "Oh, Whit, how could you?" :( I thought that he had single-handedly taken the fun out of the machine. I mean, what fun is it without the ride? But then, during the cliffhanger scene, Connie says the line, 'When you were renovating this floor..." and my mouth dropped open. To me, that means that whit made this new Imagination Station...out of an entire floor of his shop. Whoa.Impressive. I am now very interested to see how this new station will play out. :)
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Post by Robyn Jacobs »

Jumpman256 wrote:Okay, whole episode review first:
This, as many people have said, was an intense adventure. One of the most heart-wrenching trips that the Station ever took someone on. And (as someone has also said) Kelly's performance was incredible. Trying to escape the machine, the crucifixion, everything...wow. :)
I agree wholeheartedly Jumpman! I couldn't have reviewed it better than that. These 2 episodes definitely brought back some great memories of the original Imagination Station adventure with Digger Digwilow, but Kelly adds a different twist to the story. I think her interactions with Judas and the high priests were a good change of pace and perspective.
But then, during the cliffhanger scene, Connie says the line, 'When you were renovating this floor..." and my mouth dropped open. To me, that means that whit made this new Imagination Station...out of an entire floor of his shop. Whoa.Impressive. I am now very interested to see how this new station will play out. :)
That is a great observation. I never thought of it that way that the Imagination Station could be a whole floor. That's why I keep listening to these episodes over and over again, to catch new things. A fantastic episode, and such a clear presentation of the gospel. Wow! :D
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Post by The Court Jester »

I really like this episode. Everytime I listen to it, it just makes me want to bawl. The whole thing is amazing. And the scenes where she meets Jesus.. "Wow"
He really did go through a lot for us, because He loves us, and sometimes it's not easy to remember that, but listening to Kelly experience it, helps bring it to life.
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