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Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 1:39 pm
by Waluigi Freak 99
I really wouldn't want to see Adventures in Odyssey end, but you really can't blame the writers, after 20 years of practically nonstop production. Besides, as good as some of the "current" Odyssey episods have been, I don't think that most of them could compare to the "Pre-Split" era of Odyssey, which I drag out my albums for and listen to far more frequently.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 3:29 pm
by Mr.Whit
If they do it it should be with a wedding or funeral/
And everyone from Odyssey comes.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 10:25 pm
by Kairi
If Odyssey were to end, (and I pray it doesn't), I think the final show should end with Whit sitting in his chair and saying, "Just another normal day in Odyssey." Then the tinkle of the bell. It must end with the tinkle of the Whit's End bell!

Although during the final episode, (if it ever happens), I will probably be crying to much to notice the ending. I will probably also wear black for a week. :wink:

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:41 pm
by Fan Of AIO
It would be disappointing if AIO came to an end. I can't see this happening, in the near future, in that they recently launched the AIO podcast and they are giving so much attention to the 20th Anniversary and the "Epic Summer!" on radio stations. As one who is in Christian radio, and is associated with Focus On The Family, as one of its aphiliate radio stations, I have not seen any news about AIO shutting down. I would like to know the source of the "spoilers". Remember that one can't believe everything they hear. As has been mentioned in previous threads, it would go a long way toward Focus keeping Odyssey going if we, as Odyssey fans do the following...

1. Spread the word about Odyssey to our friends and family

2. Contact our local radio stations that carry Odyssey to thank them for airing Odyssey. Radio Stations keep in close contact with Focus. Feedback goes a long way!

3. Purchase Odyssey products.

4. Support Focus on a regular basis so they have the finantial base to continue programs like Odyssey. (This was unselisited.)

5. Write letters to Odyssey, not to nag them about keeping Odyssey going, but to thank them for the ministry Odyssey has been to you and your family. (Graditude goes a long way).

6. Most importantly, pray for Odyssey as they seek God's guideance about the future. Most likely the AIO team will keep Odyssey going so long as they see that it is meeting the spiritual needs of families. when it has no longer served its purpose, there is no need for it to continue. "there is a time for everything" says the scripture. I can't believe that I just said that! I am an enormous fan of AIO and I would, as I mentioned, be disappointed if AIO came to an end. I choose to think optomistically, and believe that AIO is moving forward. I choose to dismay any negative rumors, at least for now.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:36 am
by Mrs. Maxwell
Fan Of AIO wrote:It would be disappointing if AIO came to an end. I can't see this happening, in the near future, in that they recently launched the AIO podcast and they are giving so much attention to the 20th Anniversary and the "Epic Summer!" on radio stations. As one who is in Christian radio, and is associated with Focus On The Family, as one of its aphiliate radio stations, I have not seen any news about AIO shutting down. I would like to know the source of the "spoilers". Remember that one can't believe everything they hear. As has been mentioned in previous threads, it would go a long way toward Focus keeping Odyssey going if we, as Odyssey fans do the following...

1. Spread the word about Odyssey to our friends and family

2. Contact our local radio stations that carry Odyssey to thank them for airing Odyssey. Radio Stations keep in close contact with Focus. Feedback goes a long way!

3. Purchase Odyssey products.

4. Support Focus on a regular basis so they have the finantial base to continue programs like Odyssey. (This was unselisited.)

5. Write letters to Odyssey, not to nag them about keeping Odyssey going, but to thank them for the ministry Odyssey has been to you and your family. (Graditude goes a long way).

6. Most importantly, pray for Odyssey as they seek God's guideance about the future. Most likely the AIO team will keep Odyssey going so long as they see that it is meeting the spiritual needs of families. when it has no longer served its purpose, there is no need for it to continue. "there is a time for everything" says the scripture. I can't believe that I just said that! I am an enormous fan of AIO and I would, as I mentioned, be disappointed if AIO came to an end. I choose to think optomistically, and believe that AIO is moving forward. I choose to dismay any negative rumors, at least for now.
I agree that I'm still a bit wary about believing spoilers from an unknown source. Often they're misreported, or blown past proportion. But if you are interested in seeing Odyssey continued, it is definitely important to support it in all the ways you can think of.

The Future. . .

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:38 pm
by amyinodyssey
I think that Fan of AIO had it all right. We should be praying for both Adventures in Odyssey and Focus on the Family. I live in Colorado Springs and it makes it so worth while because of such a wonderful ministry like Focus on the Family.

Recently Focus on the Family celebrated it's 30th anniversary. Dr. Dobson said that the Lord makes the ministry of Focus on the Family survive. I don't think that he would do this but what if the Lord decides that he doesn't need Focus on the Family anymore? What happens to all those poor folks of Odyssey? I dread to think! I don't think the Lord would do such a thing but you never know.

As for those of you who though that Tom and Bart would be leaving shame on you! There are a lot of people on this world and there should be someone out there who could take over the voice of Tom and Bart. If they can find one to replace Hal Smith they can definitely find one to replace Walker Edmiston. Plus in my opinion I think that if you got rid of Tom and Bart at around the same time don't you think it would look a little suspicious that those two people disappeared at the same time?

So that is my opinion. While most of you have ideas in your heads about Tom Riley and Bart Rathbone did you ever consider that Connie, Eugene, Whit, Dern, Liz, Mandy, and all the people in Odyssey have a future too?

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.-Jeremiah 29:11

So with all that I have said for those of you have not posted take into consideration what I said. Also I believe what AIO Fan said is the best way to go so take that into consideration too.

1. Spread the word about Odyssey to our friends and family

2. Contact our local radio stations that carry Odyssey to thank them for airing Odyssey. Radio Stations keep in close contact with Focus. Feedback goes a long way!

3. Purchase Odyssey products.

4. Support Focus on a regular basis so they have the finantial base to continue programs like Odyssey. (This was unselisited.)

5. Write letters to Odyssey, not to nag them about keeping Odyssey going, but to thank them for the ministry Odyssey has been to you and your family. (Graditude goes a long way).

6. Most importantly, pray for Odyssey as they seek God's guideance about the future. Most likely the AIO team will keep Odyssey going so long as they see that it is meeting the spiritual needs of families. when it has no longer served its purpose, there is no need for it to continue. "there is a time for everything" says the scripture. I can't believe that I just said that! I am an enormous fan of AIO and I would, as I mentioned, be disappointed if AIO came to an end. I choose to think optomistically, and believe that AIO is moving forward. I choose to dismay any negative rumors, at least for now.


Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:07 pm
by Epic
Since Walker died how are they going to aproch Toma and Bart now? They just can't say they died in Odyssey!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:32 pm
by DanP740
Like they both die at the same instant?
Eugene: "Well, they were both struck by lightning at the same time."
Connie: "Exactly?"
Eugene: "Precisely. And they were in completely different parts of Odyssey. Not that this is unusal, as lightning strikes 100 times per second. I have this chart here that shows..."


Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 12:20 pm
by Waluigi Freak 99
There could be a bus crash, or something like that.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:09 pm
by Sonny C Rathbne Doyle
1. Whit dies.

2. Connie get married.

3. Eugene and Katrina has a baby.

4. Jared returns. (YAY! =D> :D )

5. And last...Jason takes over Whit's End when Whit dies. Boo Hoo

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:48 am
by Mr.Whit
Sonny C Rathbne Doyle wrote:1. Whit dies.

2. Connie get married.

3. Eugene and Katrina has a baby.

4. Jared returns. (YAY! =D> :D )

5. And last...Jason takes over Whit's End when Whit dies. Boo Hoo
LOL yeah.
But not just Jerod everyone returns. \:D/

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:50 am
by Kairi
If everybody from past episodes appeared in Odyssey, Odyssey would be quite crowded. Of course, knowing Odyssey, it can be small when it needs to be, and it can be big when it needs to. :-k
Conclusion: Odyssey is magic.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:51 am
by whitetigerswt
i hope it will cancil sometime LIKE WHEN IM DEAD i whould be so sad if oddyssey was over


Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:59 am
by Epic
I think that Mitch should come back and surprise Connie! :D

Re: !

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:27 pm
by WatchaCall
epic123 wrote:I think that Mitch should come back and surprise Connie! :D
Hmm. Interesting storyline. He could be transferred back to the U.S. And, by the way, where is the grown-up Jimmy Barclay? Still in Washington, D.C.? Perhaps he could reappear as well. :-k

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:53 am
by Jasper Dale
personally, i think that it would be best to have an episode in which tom riley goes to meet his Lord.

people do die in real life. it would be a fitting tribute to walker and would remind kids of all ages that no one needs to fear death.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:58 pm
by Homeward bound
I do too...I absolutely loved Tom Riley, but it only seems fitting to have him die with his actor. It would give them a chance to discuss Walker Edmiston's death with listeners, and it would honor the memory of him. I don't think I could stand to have another actor take over when Walker Edmiston has been doing his voice for so many years...even if the voice matched his perfectly. And having him just fade away after the huge role he played would just be awful and unfair (I'd be really angry if they did that).

In response to Seha's (Mara Jade's) post: As much as I don't want AIO to end, I agree with Waluigi Freak that a lot of the episodes seem as though they have been going downhill lately. In my opinion, it seems as though they're making them solely to keep it going rather than with the initial attidude or purpose they had at the beginning. I know they are still trying to meet the same goal of writing an entertaining radio drama to help kids to develop and grow in their walk with Jesus Christ, but it seems like they lost something--I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but I don't know if they can get it back easily. It seems most of the new episodes are either some major drama to try to thrill listeners and keep them excited(Novacom, Eugene finding his father, etc) or taking daily life incidences and playing them up to try to make them comedic. Both seem cheesy to me. I dunno...maybe I miss how they used to take daily life adventures and use them to teach listeners how they can serve God in real life. I agree that we need to pray rather than petition though, because I think that if they are going to continue Oddessy simply to keep fans happy, then it's going to go downhill quickly and there would be no point in keeping it going.

I know...I'm rambling. I have a feeling what I said will be misinterpreted because I'm too tired to think and type clearly anymore. ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:11 am
by Jasper Dale
i do agree that the episodes do not seem to have the same inspiration as the older ones. of course, this could be because some of us are just set in our ways and find it hard to embrace newer characters.

i do think, however, that whenever the writers stick to the "main" characters in odyssey, the shows just seem better.