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Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 12:29 pm
by Jonathan
jennifertwt wrote:Plus, you still don´t own them.
That's actually one of my questions Brock never answered; are episodes downloadable from the club? If exclusive episodes are, the club would be marginally more tolerable.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:02 pm
by snubs
Jonathan wrote:
jennifertwt wrote:Plus, you still don´t own them.
That's actually one of my questions Brock never answered; are episodes downloadable from the club? If exclusive episodes are, the club would be marginally more tolerable.
Yeah, if one were able to download the content the club would be a bit more worth the money. If not, I think it is a waste and rip off.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:37 pm
by Marvin D.
I have a feeling they probably won't let you download them, since people would doubtless share them with others.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:43 pm
by Reddo
Jonathan wrote:
Those participating in the club, of course, would be receiving the set free of charge.
That's slightly dishonest. No such thing as a free lunch, and all that. Plus you have to pay for at least one month to get it.

And Jimmy, where are you writing where you actually get a response? Brock has taken to ignoring me, and I still have a few questions I'd like answered.
don't take it personally, he's busy and usually doesn't reply to things, it's kind of like winning the lottery to get a response.

-- 17 Dec 2013 11:46 pm --
Jonathan wrote:
jennifertwt wrote:Plus, you still don´t own them.
That's actually one of my questions Brock never answered; are episodes downloadable from the club? If exclusive episodes are, the club would be marginally more tolerable.
on iOS you can save up to 5 episodes for offline use, that's all that's been confirmed

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:20 am
by Dallas R.
I genuinely hate to admit it, but after reading jennifertwt's comment on the other thread about giving up AIO for a year, I think she's absolutely right. I've decided that for the first time in 15 years, I'm going to give up all things Odyssey for awhile. I wouldn't call it a total strike, as I will catch up as best as I can come next December after album 58 has aired. However, with each new podcast being about exclusive episodes with exclusive interviews, and no new episodes for us non-wealthy fans with little to no new news for us, there's really nothing for me to keep up with. I will have little to say on these message boards, as I will not be in 'the-know'. I've already found myself checking these sites less and less.

I think that come January, I'm going to go on a hiatus. I can't believe I'm saying it. I've never fathomed a day where I grow past daily checking for updates in the AIO world, but it seems the time has come. A sad day of realization.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:30 am
by TigerintheShadows
because the stories involving Harley were later re-worked for other Odyssey episodes.
See, I don't get the controversy over the Harley episodes precisely for this reason. What is the appeal of the Harley character? All of his episodes were rewritten into later episodes; to release the specific Harley episodes would be pretty redundant. Their line of thinking might be that most people wouldn't want to buy an album full of episodes that they essentially already have, or can get with episodes that are of much better quality--it wouldn't sell that well, and Focus does have economics to take into consideration. The Harley episodes were pulled from circulation for a reason, and while that doesn't automatically make them bad, it does indicate that there are good reasons why they haven't been released. The club has a myriad of problems, but being the only place to find the Harley episodes isn't one of them.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:40 am
by jennifertwt
That is a matter of opinion. A way to address is this is to release them on iTunes and CBD for those in the US for those of us that would like to COMPLETE our collections. The Harley episodes have their own appeal and releasing them digitally would reduce production costs and of course purchasing them is voluntary. Anyone who is fan enough to have been around a while or owns a guide will know the story behind them. Alternatively, AIO could release a second addition of Lost Episodes. That I would also happily purchase in hard copy. I was SO happy when they released Family Portraits and fail to understand why the same thing cannot happen again. My swedish husband was asking me how many "Harley Files" there are. I really don´t know. But I would think there are enough "dusty" eps to fill a Lost Episode album.

I think Dallas´idea of a hiatus is a good one. Maybe "hiatus" is a softer word for it than all out strike. After all, the show took a break from us twice, we can take a break from it. My husband could not understand, he thought I meant give up Odyssey all together. I said no, I would still listen to ALL my audio files uploaded to the computer, just in my own way. For me, Odyssey is like my bible. Sometimes there is something specific I want/need to hear, sometimes I just pick an ep at random, and sometimes I go in order. If we start with Family Portraits (again) in January, it will take us at least 2+ years to get through all of them with just one a day. It could be our dinner entertainment. :-)

I probably won´t pull out of this group, but I will probably not check it often and just "lurk".

-- 18 Dec 2013 07:42 pm --

I will however "unlike" the AIO facebook page as I want them to see their numbers go down. I have already "unliked" Brock´s page.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:12 pm
by snubs
Maybe we should start a petition or something?

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 12:30 pm
by jennifertwt
Well, our views have been made well known to Odyssey execs and we have even offfered alternatives that would make us happy. They are choosing not to listen and have been very slow in responding. A friend in the third world contacted Nathan Hoobler but I told him I doubted he had any power in this situation. I do not believe he has received a response. I got the usual "here´s all the great things you get in the club" email that others have gotten and they did not answer my questions concerning overseas billing......such as can I pay from my swedish bank account since I do not want the Club to drain my US acct, etc.

-- 18 Dec 2013 08:33 pm --
Jonathan wrote:
jennifertwt wrote:Plus, you still don´t own them.
That's actually one of my questions Brock never answered; are episodes downloadable from the club? If exclusive episodes are, the club would be marginally more tolerable.
I think you can only "save" 5 at at time on your mobile device, not even a whole albums worth. But my tech savvy husband tells me there are "ways" to rip them off your device.........but I wouldn´t know that. By not allowing eps to be purchased or saved permanent, sooner or later someone will pirate. It is not a good thing and they are setting themselves up for it.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:01 pm
by Marvin D.
People will inevitably pirate episodes, and that may or may not make a difference :p

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:18 pm
by WindowWasher
Just decided to pop my head in to see if anything changed. Evidently, it seems to be getting worse. Carry on.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:10 am
by jennifertwt
Jimmy Barclay Fan wrote:New Email I got yesterday
Thanks, James, for replying to our message and for your ongoing interest in our Odyssey Adventure Club.

In response to your question, you might be interested to know that we plan to release the episodes featuring Officer Harley only through our club. As a bit of background, this decision was made in part because the stories involving Harley were later re-worked for other Odyssey episodes. We didn’t want listeners, then, to purchase an Officer Harley set only to be disappointed that the plotlines too closely resemble other stories. Those participating in the club, of course, would be receiving the set free of charge.

That being said, it’s certainly possible the Officer Harley episodes could someday be available for purchase were there sufficient demand. For that reason, feedback like yours is critical, and you may be assured that your inquiry will be given the attention it deserves.

Again, thanks for contacting us, and we hope you’ll keep listening to Odyssey. Blessings!

Jeremy Hill
Focus on the Family
This was my response from the AIO Facebook page:

Jennifer ~ at some point in the future we may make the Officer Harley episodes available for purchase or through our new Odyssey Adventure Club. These program will not be available for purchase or through the club at this time. We hope you will continue to enjoy our programming for many more years!

Something is amiss here................

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:44 am
by Jimmy Barclay Fan
Jonathan , [email protected]. I reply when I get a response.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:59 pm
by Reddo
jennifertwt wrote:
Jimmy Barclay Fan wrote:New Email I got yesterday
Thanks, James, for replying to our message and for your ongoing interest in our Odyssey Adventure Club.

In response to your question, you might be interested to know that we plan to release the episodes featuring Officer Harley only through our club. As a bit of background, this decision was made in part because the stories involving Harley were later re-worked for other Odyssey episodes. We didn’t want listeners, then, to purchase an Officer Harley set only to be disappointed that the plotlines too closely resemble other stories. Those participating in the club, of course, would be receiving the set free of charge.

That being said, it’s certainly possible the Officer Harley episodes could someday be available for purchase were there sufficient demand. For that reason, feedback like yours is critical, and you may be assured that your inquiry will be given the attention it deserves.

Again, thanks for contacting us, and we hope you’ll keep listening to Odyssey. Blessings!

Jeremy Hill
Focus on the Family
This was my response from the AIO Facebook page:

Jennifer ~ at some point in the future we may make the Officer Harley episodes available for purchase or through our new Odyssey Adventure Club. These program will not be available for purchase or through the club at this time. We hope you will continue to enjoy our programming for many more years!

Something is amiss here................
they're lying, they will be in the club in January, and it's fairly certain that they will be on iTunes/ cbd at some point later in 2014

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:06 pm
by Marvin D.
Odyssey, y u make me lose ur respect dat not cool :(

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:18 am
by jennifertwt
Well, someone is either deliberately lying or else the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. At this point, I would say either is possible. I will check iTunes occassionally to see if they are there. I cannot do CBD in Sweden. My husband was asking for a list of the Harley eps. How many were there? The lack of consistency in information is driving me nuts.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:20 am
by TigerintheShadows
Nineteen, according to this article on AIOWiki.

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:11 am
by Reddo
jennifertwt wrote:Well, someone is either deliberately lying or else the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. At this point, I would say either is possible. I will check iTunes occassionally to see if they are there. I cannot do CBD in Sweden. My husband was asking for a list of the Harley eps. How many were there? The lack of consistency in information is driving me nuts.
It's just a matter of people not really knowing what's going on, if you follow any of the fan sites (like aiowiki) they'll probably announce it if/when Harley episodes come to iTunes

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:21 am
by jennifertwt
I had planned on a hiatus from the fansites as well, except maybe this one. I would like to leave a way to get news. I am not sure I want to keep hearing about something I am not participating in and as another poster pointed out, there does not seem to be much for those not in the "Club" on the horizon. I have gone from angry to depressed which I suppose is "good."

Re: Will You Be Joining The OAC?

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:06 pm
by Bren
The cover for season one has been released.