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Post by Marvin D. »

RAWR. You may now ask me whatever questions you wish to, namely those church-y (or not!) type of questions. I will answer when I get around to it \:D/
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John Chrysostom
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Post by John Chrysostom »

Does your church have a statement of faith that you could share?

What is your stance on the Nicene Creed?

How often does your church take communion?

What does your average Sunday service look like?
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Post by darcie »

Are you a martian like this Marvin?
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Post by Marvin D. »

For the statement of faith, I'd have to check at church itself--it's a KJV-only fundamental type church :p--but I do agree with the Nicene Creed.

Our church takes communion once a month, every Sunday night.

An average Sunday service begins with Sunday school, and then the whole congregation meets together for the service. First there's the opening hymn and the choir marches in, and then there are some regular hymns, followed by the praise and greeting time, where they sing songs in the local language. Scripture reading is next, and then people can give a testimony or sing a special song, or the choir sings a special. And then there's the sermon, followed by announcements, and everyone's dismissed.

Shh! How did you know? :mad: You're not supposed to tell others that I am Marvin the Martian!
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John Chrysostom
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Post by John Chrysostom »

Do you personally believe KJV only? Also how would you define fundamental type church?

Does your church practice open or closed communion?

Do you have any specific Christian writers who have influenced your beliefs?

Infant or believer baptism?
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Post by Marvin D. »

No, I am not a KJV only at all. I actually like reading other translations, namely NKJV and HCSB, because I think it flows better and I see no reason why there should be only one inspired version and that, as the KJV-onlyists make it, that you have to sift through the various translations to find out which one is the correct one. Some translations are weaker than others, yes, but it's not like you can't learn when you use the NASB or whatnot.

Well, fundamental tends to bring to mind a KJV-only, skirts-for-women, hymns-only type of church, which does describe our church :p And because a lot of the churches that I have visited are like that, that's what comes to mind. I think a church can be fundamental in belief, yet not be so strict/judgmental? on such matters, though I think that pretty much most churches tend to look at the "big sins" instead of their own, and instead of loving others and treating all sins as equal, which includes placing themselves as equal.

Closed communion. You have to be a member and baptized. Since it's done in the evening service, which I don't go to, I don't participate in it. Plus, I haven't been baptized either.

Oswald Chamber's "My Utmost for His Highest" is a good book, and then there are various writers whose books I've read--Dave Hunt, William Fay, Ed Bulkley (Only God Can Heal the Broken Heart). I also like reading regular Christian fiction--sometimes it stands out more than a nonfiction book, at least to me. It depends on what themes it explores. Some people think that Christian fiction has to be the regular "tame" type, but that's not true. One good example is "Walking Lazarus" by T. L. Hines. There's this guy who dies several times, and is resurrected each time (each death is 8 years apart, which symbolizes a new start.) He ends up meeting this lady who turns out to be an angel/messenger, and she and other people help him through his problems. *is rambling*

Believer. You choose when you're ready, though it's not a must to be saved.

Edited Sanders to Chambers, was distracted =P
Last edited by Marvin D. on Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jesus' Princess »

What do you think about miracles? Do they happen in the present day? What's your belief about creation?
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Post by Marvin D. »

As I have said before, "God heals, and the doctors take the fee!" \:D/

Er, that is to say, miracles may not be quite as they were when Jesus would up and heal someone, but there are miracles still. Sometimes someone is healed, and people say it's a miracle, but even the 'little things' are miracles in a sense.

I believe in a literal 6-day creation, as I see no other reason as to not.
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Post by Jehoshaphat »

Do you edit the Niceane creed form "I believe in one, holy, catholic(meaning universal not Roman Catholic) and apostolic church", to I believe in one, holy, Christian, and apostolic church?
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Post by Marvin D. »

Since catholic (not capitalized), means universal, I see no reason why it should be changed. Granted, the church is anything but universal, but still ;)
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Post by Monty »

Is there a particular denomination that your church is a part of?

Your church believes in hymns only? (Not condemning this, haha, just looked back and realized how judgmental that sounded)

What are the qualifications for people at your church to become deacons, if you have them?
It's been awhile, hasn't it?
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Post by Marvin D. »

Independent Fundamentalist. There are a couple of main branches here, it's mostly either Pentecostal/Charismatic, Independent Fundamentalist, or Catholic. Then there are a few non-denomination churches, but they're few and far in between. There's one not too far from where we live, called Agape Church, and it's quite big, since there isn't another non-denom church in the area.

Judgmental Monty is judgmental, but that's okay :p Yes. Sometimes if someone sings a special, it'll be a more contemporary song, but the original pastor doesn't like it, which I don't agree with. There's no set standard for what makes a song "Christian or not" =P

. .we don't really have deacons. There are three pastors, and the one who leads. Plus there are guest preachers, and my dad preaches about once a month.
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Post by Jesus' Princess »

Do you believe that humans have complete free will, or in predestination?
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Post by Marvin D. »

Free will. All the way. Christian and I have gotten into many a debate over this :- I'm as staunch of an Arminian as he is a Calvinist :p It's a miracle we get along, actually.
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Post by Aaron Wiley »

Arminianism FTW. I award you internet hi-fives
Marvin D. wrote:Judgmental Monty is judgmental, but that's okay :p Yes. Sometimes if someone sings a special, it'll be a more contemporary song, but the original pastor doesn't like it, which I don't agree with. There's no set standard for what makes a song "Christian or not" =P
This is your church's rules about it, but what do you personally believe about what kinds of songs should be sung in church?
Also, what do you think about listening to secular music? Is that a pretty big no-no? How about secular music that also has (and a shutter to even say it) swearing in it?!? You pretty much go to hell for listening to stuff like that, right?
"And the Lord saw that man had created the Internet, and He was most distressed. For once people started using chatspeak and improper grammar, their level of smartness was decreased by more than 500%. And so the Lord removed all the gifts he had once bestowed on man, and it was very sad." The Book of Marvin, Chapter 351, Verse 442.
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Post by Marvin D. »

We have a high five smiley, too, Garrett :highfive: Yes, Calvinists can go about believing in predestination, and that's okay. They can do it their way, but I WILL DO IT GOD'S WAY :x

I don't have anything against hymns, but I suppose the reason I don't like singing hymns at most churches is because if they do, it's with only a piano/organ because if we as much as use a guitar or *gasp* a drum, IT'S A SIN.

. .yeaaah. So hymns often become boring. I like hymns, and if you jazz them up a little, they can sound really upbeat, and lots of hymns have been rewritten, or have an extra verse or bridge (Amazing Grace, Come Thou Fount, Jesus Paid it All), which makes it a lot better.

But I like contemporary worship music as well during church, as long as it's not TFK or Skillet. I don't go to church on Wednesdays or for youth group here, but when I was in the States, I liked churches that sang. .slightly rowdier songs on Wednesday, and then tone it down song by song. Like, at one church, they started off with Undignified, and ended with Hosanna. Does that make sense? :p

Ooh, secular music. Yes, if you willingly listen to secular music, you will be damned to Hell immediately. .which means I should get rid off all the Taoi Cruz, the Civil Wars, Kris Allen, John Mayer, and fun. music off of my iPod :(

. .not.
Last edited by Marvin D. on Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Aaron Wiley »

Marvin D. wrote: Ooh, secular music. Yes, if you willingly listen to secular music, you will be damned to Hell immediately. .which means I should get rid off all the Taoi Cruz, the Civil Wars, Kris Allen, John Mayer, and fun. music off of my iPod :(

. .not.
Deep in the prisons of hell, convicts are discussing their past lives.

Convict1: Man, I'm in for murder, arson, and... murder. What are you in for?

Convict2: Listening to secular music...

*all those in the cell back away from Convict2 in utter fear of his absolute, pure, unfiltered evilness*
"And the Lord saw that man had created the Internet, and He was most distressed. For once people started using chatspeak and improper grammar, their level of smartness was decreased by more than 500%. And so the Lord removed all the gifts he had once bestowed on man, and it was very sad." The Book of Marvin, Chapter 351, Verse 442.
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Post by Marvin D. »

Yup, yup. Because Christians aren't supposed to listen to secular music, or even music that has the teeniest beat in it. It's TEH WORST SIN EVAR.
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Post by Musical Shutterbug »

Well, then I am most certainly going to hell :anxious:

Do you believe in the gifts of the spirit?
*insert provocative quote here*
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Post by Marvin D. »

You wicked, wicked sinner Mercy. Shwame :( Then I guess Garrett and I shall join you as well?

No, not in the way it used to be back in the Bible. We have gifts, but they aren't manifested the same way they were back then.
"I still see Marvin as a newbie that is just as cool as an oldie." --snubs

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