Saturday, December 24, 2011 | Volume 1, Issue 2 | Free!
by Eugene

Hello again! I hope you are all having a great holiday season so far!

It's been a long time since our previous issue, but we're back with one more release before the end of 2011. Today we have Monty and Whitty Whit talking about their experience in the election. After that, I have a surprise guest! So stay tuned. I hope that you enjoy this edition!

Phoenix speaks
by Eugene

Since Monty and Whitty Whit were elected in the last election, a lot has happened on the ToO. I was lucky enough to sit down with them and ask about their election experience.

Eugene: Thanks for joining me, Whitty and Monty! It’s great to talk with you.

Whitty Whit: You're welcome, Eliab. Thanks for asking us.

Monty: You're welcome. Thanks for asking us!

Eugene: Before we get started with the questions, I want to congratulate you on winning the election. You must be very excited.

Whitty Whit: Thank you! I know I am. ;)

Monty: Indeed! It's still hard to believe.

Eugene: I’m really curious how and why you chose to name your team "Phoenix". Could you tell me a little about that?

Whitty Whit: Actually, Monty was the one who originally thought of the name. I thought it sounded cool.

Monty: I suggested Phoenix partially because we were using old team's ideas. A phoenix usually represents rebirth and renewal, and our using unused ideas from previous elections seemed to fit into that.

Eugene: How was your team created? Which of you two first had the idea to run in the last election?

Monty: It was Whitty Whit who first approached me about running.

Whitty Whit: And the rest is history! \:D/

Eugene: How did you put your platform together?

Monty: As I said, we used old ideas from previous elections and put our own spin on them: Photo of the Week instead of Photo of the Day, the Bible Bowl is set up a lot differently, etc.

Whitty Whit: We basically PM'd each other mentioning ideas and everything. And Monty asked for permission to use modified events from previous election platforms.

Eugene: In the previous election none of the teams received sufficient financial support to qualify for the election. Were you surprised by that?

Whitty Whit: Somewhat. I knew that the amount was big, but I wasn't quite sure if anybody would make it.

Monty: I was certainly surprised! I knew that the Town had a history of giving just the right amount for teams at the last minute, and I was still holding out hope that this would happen when the deadline passed and Catspaw took over.

Eugene: What was the biggest challenge in that election?

Whitty Whit: Trying to garner enough funds was pretty hard. ;)

Monty: Raising money, of course, was a major concern. Beyond that, I think our relative inexperience compared to previous admins also was a roadblock to our campaign.

Eugene: What did you think of Catspaw’s “take over”?

Whitty Whit: Well, I knew that it was a story arc. I somewhat minded that we would have to adhere to strict grammar. Obviously grammar is important, but an occasional misteak is bound to happen

Monty: I quite enjoyed it! It was fun for those few weeks to log on and look at the new events that had occurred and try to put the pieces together. I knew it was a story-arc, but it was exciting to work together with people and figure out what we could do to remove Catspaw from office.

Eugene: This is your second time running for office. Why did you decide to run again?

Whitty Whit: Technically, it's my third time. ;) I wanted to see if people actually wanted us, for one thing. And I ran just for the sake of experience as well.

Eugene: Did you do anything different this time?

Monty: Compared to the "first" time we ran: when no one won, we did have a slightly different strategy. We already knew which events we were going to use, and the first failure had prepared us as far as campaign experience.

Eugene: Were you nervous about the yes/no vote?

Monty: Apparently not as much as I should have been! I was fairly confident we would win with no one else on the ballot, but I was fairly surprised at the close vote.

Whitty Whit: Originally, no. But after the vote, I was surprised how close it was.

Eugene: What is your overall goal for this term?

Whitty Whit: What is the overall goal for any term? To supply the ToO with a sense of order and respectability, and just to hang out.

Monty: We want to try out some new events and games we hope the Town will enjoy, and we want to try to jumpstart some user-led Bible studies in the Second Church.

Eugene: How do you feel in your new positions? How have things been going?

Monty: Pretty good! It's been a lot of work, but a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to the trivia games and Bible studies later in our term.

Whitty Whit: Well, I don't feel like I'm above anybody else. If anything, I feel like I'm lower because I'm supposed to service the ToO and I have to work harder than a normal ToOer. Things have been going well, I suppose. Nothing bad or majorly good things have happened.

Eugene: What do you think of adding flags to user’s profile pages? Are you for it or against it?

Monty: I personally don't see the need for it. The concern about how it would display on the forums themselves is valid. If it's really necessary for you to know what country someone is from, it would probably be easier just to ask them.

Whitty Whit: Personally, I'm against it. It would just clutter up the site. If you really want to know what country a person's from, just ask them. ;) That's what I think.

Eugene: Do you plan on adding any other features to the board?

Monty: Not at this time, no.

Eugene: What are your thoughts on bubble gum?

Monty: As long as it's sugar-free, it's ok. #bracesftw

Whitty Whit: I wish I had more. :( I'm too cheap to go to WalMart and buy some. :P

Eugene: Anything else you would like to share with the town?

Monty: If you see a small child playing with a nuclear bomb, it might be a good idea to run.

Whitty Whit: Don't light a Kleenex on fire. Ever.

Eugene: Thank you for your time. And again, congratulations!

Monty: Thank you, Eliab!

Monty's username was coloured orange instead of red to improve the readability of this interview.
Random interview with...
by Eugene

I've decided to start a new section for Candid Conversations called Random Interview! Each time I'm gathering things for a new issue, I'll contact a random person (or persons) on the ToO and interview them about anything and everything. Our first lucky victim... er, interviewee is The Kings Daughter!

Eugene: Hi, TKD! Thanks for joining me!

The Kings Daughter: Thanks for asking me here! :)

Eugene: How has your year been going?

The Kings Daughter: Overall very well! Lots of growing times in areas in my life, which can be painful, but the end result is always so much better. :)

Eugene: That's great! I trust school is going well?

The Kings Daughter: Yes, it's going pretty well thanks. A few family health issues get in the way, but with His help, I'm makin' it through. Friends are wonderful. :)

Eugene: They are indeed.

What are your thoughts on the latest Odyssey season?

The Kings Daughter: What I've heard has been pretty good. It's taking them a bit [of time], in my opinion, to bring all these new characters in AND do an awesome job with 'old odyssey' type episodes. But I definitely feel like we're getting there, each album brings improvement!

Eugene: Yeah, it's different than 'old Odyssey', but they are doing a good job.

My favourite new characters are Jay and Penny. Do you have favourite new characters?

The Kings Daughter: Yes, Jay is a great new addition! Penny I don't care for, but I'll save a Penny discussion for another time. I'd probably have to say Jay and all the Parker family are all my favorites!

Eugene: Which episodes really stood out to you?

The Kings Daughter: Let's see, the first episode of this latest album (forgive me, episode names and I don't mix well) really jumped out at me about being really family centered. I didn't care for the plot much; maybe because I don't fit into the age group AIO is 'intended for' anymore. But Olivia's time with her Dad was so very precious. :)

Eugene: Oh, that would be "Wooton Knows Best".

And I agree with you on that.

The Kings Daughter: Heh yup, thanks. ;)

Wooton's character 'developed' nicely in that episode too, I thought. :)

Eugene: He did.

Okay, time for some deep probing questions. Ready?

The Kings Daughter: Let me grab my chocolate and I'm ready!

Eugene: Complete this sentence: Cherries are to Bananas as Boats are to...

The Kings Daughter: Oh dear. xD My horrible guessing skills choose 'floats'. < that's probably better than any Doctor Who reference. ^.^

Eugene: Haha! Awesome! :D

Next question!

If a train leaves the depot at 3 o'clock, travelling south at 6 miles per hour against a north-westerly wind of 30 miles per hour, and has only 65% of its weight capacity on board, what color would you paint the train?

The Kings Daughter: Whenever in color doubt, pick green. My life rule. It's worked pretty good so far, noting my lovely green water bottle, bows, etc.

Eugene: Good rule and great advice! :yes:

Last big question!

The Kings Daughter: *grabs rest of chocolate stash*

Eugene: *drumroll*

Snow or no Snow?

The Kings Daughter: Everyone should have snow this weekend, but sadly we do not. However my Christmas IS white, thanks to Jesus Christ coming down and cleansing my sinful soul! :)

Eugene: Wow! Great answer!

Too bad you don't have snow though. :(

The Kings Daughter: Yes, a bit disappointing.

But I'll survive. ;P

Eugene: For me, Christmas probably wouldn't feel right if there were no snow.

I wish I could ship some down to you! Wouldn't that be awesome?!

The Kings Daughter: That would be lovely, however the poor postal workers. Perhaps by train loads? If Jason doesn't crash the train this time!

Eugene: Haha!

The White Snow Conspiracy? or White Train Conspiracy?

The Kings Daughter: As long as it's perfectly white, I'm good! :D

Eugene: Yay!

Okay, do you think I've asked enough questions?

The Kings Daughter: Is this a test? ;)

Eugene: Perhaps... ?

The Kings Daughter: You've asked enough to keep my attention!

Eugene: That's good. How about just one more?

The Kings Daughter: Shoot! Just not at the head. :P

Eugene: I have pretty good aim, so don't worry!

What are you most thankful for this year?

The Kings Daughter: That would be God of course! Should I do my second favorite thing instead? ;)

Eugene: Sure. A double answer! Kinda like Jeopardy, but in an interview.

The Kings Daughter: Jeopardy! I could get sidetracked on that word.

My second favorite thing would probably be all the family/friends God continues to bring into my life, I am so blessed!

Eugene: That's really awesome.

Thanks for letting me bug you!

The Kings Daughter: Thanks for stealing me with permission, it was simply smashing. ^^

Eugene: I must agree!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Kings Daughter: You as well! Now back to that chocolate. ;)